
DbXGen is a tool that takes an object oriented data model in the form of an XML file, and produces:

  • SQL scripts for Microsoft SQL Server required to create:
    • The tables that will hold the data.
    • A set of views that makes it easier to extract data from the database.
    • Stored procedures for inserting, updating and deleting data into/from the database.
  • C# code that:
    • Wraps the generated stored procedures.
    • Custom DataReaders that implements the IDataReader interface for each class specified by the data model.
    • Data transfer object classes for each class specified by the data model.
    • An interface, IDataContext, that specifies all the operations that can be performed against the database.
    • An implementation of IDataContext called MsSqlDataContext.
    • Entity classes for for each class specified by the data model.
    • An EntityContext class that tracks changes to the entity objects.
  • C++ code that
    • Wraps the generated stored procedures.
    • Custom DataReaders for each class specified by the data model.
    • Data transfer object classes for each class specified by the data model.

DbXGen is still under development.

Read Introduction to DbXGen

Read Model to learn about DbXGen data models.

Read Options to learn about DbXGen options.

Read Microsoft SQL Server to learn about code generation for Microsoft SQL Server.

Read C# to learn about the C# code generation.

Read C++ to learn about the C# code generation.