Harlinn.Windows 0.1
This is the complete list of members for Harlinn::OCI::Collection, including all inherited members.
Append(const void *elem, const void *elemind) const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Assign(Int32 index, const void *elem, const void *elemind) const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Base typedef | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | private |
Collection() noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Collection(const Collection &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | |
Collection(Collection &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Collection(const OCI::ServiceContext &serviceContext, OCIColl *ocicollection, ObjectReleaseMethod objectReleaseMethod=ObjectReleaseMethod::ObjectUnpin) | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
CreateIterator() const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Environment() const | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
Error() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
GetAt(Int32 index, bool *exists, void **elem, void **elemind) const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
GetAt(Int32 index, bool *exists, void **elem, void **elemind, UInt32 *nelems) const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Handle() const | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
IsLocator() const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
MaxSize() const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
object_ | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | private |
ObjectBase() noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
ObjectBase(const ObjectBase &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | |
ObjectBase(ObjectBase &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
ObjectBase(const OCI::ServiceContext &serviceContext, void *object, ObjectReleaseMethod objectReleaseMethod=ObjectReleaseMethod::ObjectUnpin) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
objectReleaseMethod_ | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | private |
operator=(const Collection &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | |
operator=(Collection &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase::operator=(const ObjectBase &other)=delete | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | |
Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase::operator=(ObjectBase &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
ServiceContext() const noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inline |
serviceContext_ | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | private |
Size() const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
Take(T &&other) noexcept | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | inlineprotected |
Trim(Int32 numberOfElementsToRemove) const | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
~Collection() | Harlinn::OCI::Collection | inline |
~ObjectBase() | Harlinn::OCI::ObjectBase | virtual |