Harlinn.Windows 0.1
Namespaces | |
namespace | Atomic |
namespace | BitConverter |
The BitConverter namespace contains methods for converting a SimpleByteSpanLike container to one of the base data types, as well as for converting a base data type to a vector of bytes. | |
namespace | Com |
namespace | Concurrency |
namespace | Crypto |
namespace | CurrentProcess |
namespace | CurrentThread |
namespace | Data |
namespace | Demangle |
namespace | details |
namespace | Doxygen |
namespace | Environment |
namespace | Ese |
namespace | Formatting |
namespace | Generators |
namespace | Html |
namespace | Http |
namespace | Internal |
namespace | IO |
namespace | LMDB |
namespace | LMDBEx |
namespace | Logging |
namespace | Math |
namespace | Messaging |
namespace | Meta |
namespace | Net |
namespace | Network |
namespace | Persistent |
namespace | RapidXml |
namespace | Reflection |
namespace | Resources |
namespace | RtWorkQ |
namespace | Runtime |
namespace | Security |
namespace | Services |
namespace | SIMD |
namespace | Test |
namespace | Threading |
namespace | ThreadPools |
namespace | Types |
namespace | Utf |
namespace | Wbem |
namespace | Xml |
namespace | ZeroMq |
Classes | |
class | _ICivicAddressReportFactoryEvents_Sink |
class | _ILatLongReportFactoryEvents_Sink |
class | AccessViolationException |
class | AdviseSink |
class | AdviseSink2 |
The IAdviseSink2 interface is an extension of the IAdviseSink interface, adding the method OnLinkSrcChange to the contract to handle a change in the moniker of a linked object. This avoids overloading the implementation IAdviseSink::OnRename to handle the renaming of both embedded objects and linked objects. In applications where different blocks of code might execute depending on which of these two similar events has occurred, using the same method for both events complicates testing and debugging. More... | |
class | AdviseSinkEx |
This interface is derived from IAdviseSink to provide extensions for notifying the sink of changes in an object's view status. More... | |
class | AggregateException |
class | Allocator |
struct | AlwaysFalse |
class | AppDomainUnloadedException |
class | Application |
class | ApplicationDirectories |
class | ApplicationException |
class | ApplicationOptions |
class | ArgumentException |
class | ArgumentNullException |
class | ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
class | ArithmeticException |
class | ArrayReader |
class | ArrayTypeMismatchException |
class | ArrayWriter |
class | AsyncAdviseSink |
Asynchronous implementation of IAdviseSink. More... | |
class | AsyncAdviseSink2 |
Asynchronous implementation of IAdviseSink2. More... | |
class | AsyncUnknown |
class | AtomicReferenceCount |
class | AttachedSafeArray |
class | AttachedSysString |
class | BadImageFormatException |
class | BasicString |
This is a reference counted string class. More... | |
class | BasicStringView |
class | Binary |
A reference counted buffer, primarily intended for binary data. More... | |
class | BindCtx |
Provides access to a bind context, which is an object that stores information about a particular moniker binding operation. More... | |
struct | BitMask |
class | Bits |
A type that holds a fixed number of bits. More... | |
union | Bits16 |
union | Bits32 |
union | Bits64 |
struct | Bits8 |
struct | BitTraits |
struct | BitTraits< bool > |
struct | BitTraits< Byte > |
struct | BitTraits< char > |
struct | BitTraits< Int16 > |
struct | BitTraits< Int32 > |
struct | BitTraits< Int64 > |
struct | BitTraits< SByte > |
struct | BitTraits< UInt16 > |
struct | BitTraits< UInt32 > |
struct | BitTraits< UInt64 > |
struct | BitTraits< wchar_t > |
struct | BitTraitsBase |
class | BitVector |
A resizeable bit-vector. More... | |
class | BlockingConcurrentQueue |
class | BlockingLock |
Provides a semaphore that can be used to provide temporarily exclusive access to a shared resource such as a file. More... | |
struct | BooleanBitTraits |
class | BooleanSafeArray |
class | ByteArray |
A Byte array for compile-time serialization of data. More... | |
struct | ByteBitTraits |
class | CannotUnloadAppDomainException |
struct | CharBitTraits |
class | CivicAddressReport |
class | CivicAddressReportFactory |
class | ClassActivator |
Specifies a method that retrieves a class object. More... | |
class | ClassFactory |
Enables a class of objects to be created. More... | |
class | ClassFactory2 |
class | ComAllocator |
A C++ allocator that uses CoTaskMemAlloc and CoTaskMemFree. More... | |
class | ComBuffer |
A movable buffer class the handles memory management using CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemFree and CoTaskMemRealloc More... | |
class | ComInitialize |
Initializes the COM library for use by the calling thread, sets the thread's concurrency model, and creates a new apartment for the thread if one is required. Calls CoUninitialize() in the destructor. More... | |
class | ComPtr |
A generic smart pointer for managing COM interfaces. More... | |
class | ComString |
A simple string class that uses CoTaskMemAlloc and CoTaskMemFree. More... | |
class | ConcurrentQueue |
struct | ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits |
class | ConditionVariable |
Condition variables are synchronization primitives that enable threads to wait until a particular condition occurs. Condition variables are user-mode objects that cannot be shared across processes. More... | |
class | ConnectData |
Describes a connection that exists to a given connection point. More... | |
class | ConnectionPoint |
Supports connection points for connectable objects. More... | |
class | ConnectionPointContainer |
Supports connection points for connectable objects. More... | |
class | Console |
struct | ConsumerToken |
class | ContextMarshalException |
class | Continue |
Indicates whether or not to continue an operation. Used with remote procedure calls. More... | |
class | CreateErrorInfo |
Returns error information. More... | |
class | CreateObject_ |
class | CreateTypeInfo |
Provides the tools for creating and administering the type information defined through the type description. More... | |
class | CreateTypeInfo2 |
class | CreateTypeLib |
Provides the methods for creating and managing the component or file that contains type information. Type libraries are created from type descriptions using the MIDL compiler. These type libraries are accessed through the ITypeLib interface. More... | |
class | CreateTypeLib2 |
Provides the methods for creating and managing the component or file that contains type information. Derives from ICreateTypeLib. The ICreateTypeInfo instance returned from ICreateTypeLib can be accessed through a QueryInterface call to ICreateTypeInfo2. More... | |
class | CriticalSection |
A critical section object provides synchronization similar to that provided by a mutex object, except that a critical section can be used only by the threads of a single process. Critical section objects cannot be shared across processes. More... | |
class | Currency |
Currency are stored as 64-bit integer, scaled by 10,000 to give a fixed-point number with 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. More... | |
class | DataAdviseHolder |
class | DataMisalignedException |
class | DataObject |
class | DataSource |
class | DataSourceColumn |
class | DateTime |
class | DefaultExceptionReporter |
The default exception reporter implementation. More... | |
class | DefaultLocation |
class | DelayedPropertyStoreFactory |
class | DirectWriterLock |
The IDirectWriterLock interface enables a single writer to obtain exclusive write access to a root storage object opened in direct mode while allowing concurrent access by multiple readers. This single-writer, multiple-reader mode does not require the overhead of making a snapshot copy of the storage for the readers. More... | |
class | Dispatch |
Exposes objects, methods and properties to programming tools and other applications that support Automation. COM components implement the IDispatch interface to enable access by Automation clients. More... | |
class | DispatchEx |
Extends Dispatch with enhanced support for dynamic scripting languages. More... | |
class | DispCivicAddressReport |
class | DispLatLongReport |
class | DivideByZeroException |
class | DllNotFoundException |
class | DropSource |
class | DropSourceNotify |
The IDropSourceNotify interface is implemented on an IDropSource object to receive notifications from OLE when a user drags the mouse into or out of a potential drop target window. More... | |
class | DropTarget |
class | DuplicateWaitObjectException |
class | EnterpriseDropTarget |
When implemented by the drop target application, this interface gives the OLE drag and drop engine the ability to determine whether the drop target application intends to evaluate enterprise protection policy and gives the OLE drag and drop engine a way to provide the enterprise ID of the drop source application to the drop target application. More... | |
class | EntryPointNotFoundException |
class | Enum |
class | EnumBase |
class | EnumConnectionPoints |
Enumerates connection points. More... | |
class | EnumConnections |
Enumerates the current connections for a connectable object. More... | |
class | EnumFORMATETC |
Enumerates the FORMATETC structures that define the formats and media supported by a given data object. More... | |
class | EnumMoniker |
Enumerates the components of a moniker or the monikers in a table of monikers. More... | |
class | EnumOleUndoUnits |
Enumerates the undo units on the undo or redo stack. More... | |
class | EnumOLEVERB |
Enumerates the different verbs available for an object in order of ascending verb number. An enumerator that implements the IEnumOLEVERB interface is returned by IOleObject::EnumVerbs. More... | |
class | EnumShellItems |
class | EnumSTATDATA |
Enumerates the advisory connection information for a data object. More... | |
class | EnumSTATSTG |
The IEnumSTATSTG interface enumerates an array of STATSTG structures. These structures contain statistical data about open storage, stream, or byte array objects. More... | |
class | EnumString |
Enumerate strings. LPOLESTR is the type that indicates a pointer to a zero-terminated string of wide, or Unicode, characters. More... | |
class | EnumUnknown |
class | EnumVARIANT |
class | EnumWbemClassObject |
class | ErrorInfo |
Provides detailed contextual error information. More... | |
class | ErrorLog |
Communicates detailed error information between a client and an object. More... | |
class | EventWaitHandle |
class | EventWaitHandleAccessMask |
class | Exception |
class | ExceptionData |
class | ExceptionLocation |
class | ExceptionLocationData |
class | ExceptionReporter |
Mandatory base class for exception reporters. More... | |
class | ExecutionEngineException |
class | FieldAccessException |
class | FileMapping |
A file mapping is the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process. More... | |
class | FillLockBytes |
The IFillLockBytes interface enables downloading code to write data asynchronously to a structured storage byte array. When the downloading code has new data available, it calls IFillLockBytes::FillAppend or IFillLockBytes::FillAt to write the data to the byte array. An application attempting to access this data, through calls to the ILockBytes interface, can do so even as the downloader continues to make calls to IFillLockBytes. If the application attempts to access data that has not already been downloaded through a call to IFillLockBytes, then ILockBytes returns a new error, E_PENDING. More... | |
struct | FilterSpecification |
class | FixedBinary |
class | FixedSizeMemoryManager |
struct | FixedSizeMemoryManagerStatistics |
class | FixedString |
class | Flags |
class | Font |
class | FontDisp |
class | FontEventsDisp |
class | ForegroundTransfer |
Transfers the foreground window to the process hosting the COM server. More... | |
class | FormatException |
class | Guid |
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID). More... | |
class | Handle |
class | IndexOutOfRangeException |
class | InitializeWithFile |
class | InitializeWithStream |
class | InsufficientExecutionStackException |
class | InsufficientMemoryException |
struct | Int16BitTraits |
struct | Int32BitTraits |
struct | Int64BitTraits |
class | Integer |
A typed wrapper for integral types. More... | |
class | InterlockedLinkedList |
class | Interval |
A closed/open interval that works well with the boost Interval Container Library. More... | |
class | InvalidCastException |
class | InvalidOperationException |
class | InvalidProgramException |
class | InvalidTimeZoneException |
class | IWbemObjectSinkDispatcher |
class | IWbemObjectSinkDispatcherBase |
class | IWbemObjectSinkImplementationBase |
class | LatLongReport |
class | LatLongReportFactory |
class | LayoutStorage |
class | LightweightSemaphore |
class | List |
class | ListConstIterator |
class | ListIterator |
class | Location |
class | LocationEventsSinkImpl |
class | LocationPermissions |
class | LocationPower |
class | LocationReport |
class | LocationReportFactory |
class | LockBytes |
The ILockBytes interface is implemented on a byte array object that is backed by some physical storage, such as a disk file, global memory, or a database. It is used by a COM compound file storage object to give its root storage access to the physical device, while isolating the root storage from the details of accessing the physical storage. More... | |
class | Malloc |
class | MallocaDeleter |
class | MallocAllocator |
class | Marshal |
class | MemberAccessException |
class | MessageFilter |
Provides COM servers and applications with the ability to selectively handle incoming and outgoing COM messages while waiting for responses from synchronous calls. Filtering messages helps to ensure that calls are handled in a manner that improves performance and avoids deadlocks. COM messages can be synchronous, asynchronous, or input-synchronized; the majority of interface calls are synchronous. More... | |
class | MethodAccessException |
class | MissingFieldException |
class | MissingMemberException |
class | MissingMethodException |
class | ModuleHandle |
class | MofCompiler |
class | Moniker |
class | MulticastNotSupportedException |
class | Mutex |
class | MutexAccessMask |
class | NamedPropertyStore |
class | NotFiniteNumberException |
class | NotImplementedException |
class | NotSupportedException |
class | NullReferenceException |
class | ObjectWithPropertyKey |
class | ObjectWithSite |
class | Observable |
class | OldVector |
class | OleAdviseHolder |
Manages advisory connections and compound document notifications in an object server. Its methods are intended to be used to implement the advisory methods of IOleObject. IOleAdviseHolder is implemented on an advise holder object. Its methods establish and delete advisory connections from the object managed by the server to the object's container, which must contain an advise sink (support the IAdviseSink interface). The advise holder object must also keep track of which advise sinks are interested in which notifications and pass along the notifications as appropriate. More... | |
class | OleCache |
Provides control of the presentation data that gets cached inside of an object. Cached presentation data is available to the container of the object even when the server application is not running or is unavailable. More... | |
class | OleCache2 |
Enables object clients to selectively update each cache that was created with IOleCache::Cache. More... | |
class | OleCacheControl |
Provides proper maintenance of caches. It maintains the caches by connecting the running object's IDataObject implementation to the cache, allowing the cache to receive notifications from the running object. More... | |
class | OleClientSite |
Provides the primary means by which an embedded object obtains information about the location and extent of its display site, its moniker, its user interface, and other resources provided by its container. An object server calls IOleClientSite to request services from the container. A container must provide one instance of IOleClientSite for every compound-document object it contains. More... | |
class | OleContainer |
Enumerates objects in a compound document or lock a container in the running state. Container and object applications both implement this interface. More... | |
class | OleControl |
Provides the features for supporting keyboard mnemonics, ambient properties, and events in control objects. More... | |
class | OleControlSite |
Provides the methods that enable a site object to manage each embedded control within a container. A site object provides IOleControlSite as well as other site interfaces such as IOleClientSite and IOleInPlaceSite. When a control requires the services expressed through this interface, it will query one of the other client site interfaces for IOleControlSite. More... | |
class | OleInPlaceActiveObject |
Provides a direct channel of communication between an in-place object and the associated application's outer-most frame window and the document window within the application that contains the embedded object. The communication involves the translation of messages, the state of the frame window (activated or deactivated), and the state of the document window (activated or deactivated). Also, it informs the object when it needs to resize its borders, and manages modeless dialog boxes. More... | |
class | OleInPlaceFrame |
Controls the container's top-level frame window. This control involves allowing the container to insert its menu group into the composite menu, install the composite menu into the appropriate window frame, and remove the container's menu elements from the composite menu. It sets and displays status text relevant to the in-place object. It also enables or disables the frame's modeless dialog boxes, and translates accelerator keystrokes intended for the container's frame. More... | |
class | OleInPlaceObject |
class | OleInPlaceObjectWindowless |
class | OleInPlaceSite |
class | OleInPlaceSiteEx |
class | OleInPlaceSiteWindowless |
class | OleInPlaceUIWindow |
Implemented by container applications and used by object applications to negotiate border space on the document or frame window. The container provides a RECT structure in which the object can place toolbars and other similar controls, determines if tools can in fact be installed around the object's window frame, allocates space for the border, and establishes a communication channel between the object and each frame and document window. More... | |
class | OleItemContainer |
class | OleLink |
class | OleObject |
Serves as the principal means by which an embedded object provides basic functionality to, and communicates with, its container. More... | |
class | OleParentUndoUnit |
class | OleUndoManager |
The IOleUndoManager interface enables containers to implement multi-level undo and redo operations for actions that occur within contained controls. More... | |
class | OleUndoUnit |
class | OleWindow |
The IOleWindow interface provides methods that allow an application to obtain the handle to the various windows that participate in in-place activation, and also to enter and exit context-sensitive help mode. More... | |
class | OperationCanceledException |
class | OutOfMemoryException |
class | OverflowException |
class | OwnerVector |
class | ParseDisplayName |
Parses a displayable name string to convert it into a moniker for custom moniker implementations. More... | |
class | PerPropertyBrowsing |
Retrieves the information in the property pages offered by an object. More... | |
class | Persist |
Wrapper for the IPersist interface. IPersist provides the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system. Allows the object to specify which object handler to use in the client process, as it is used in the default implementation of marshaling. More... | |
class | PersistFile |
Enables an object to be loaded from or saved to a disk file, rather than a storage object or stream. Because the information needed to open a file varies greatly from one application to another, the implementation of IPersistFile::Load on the object must also open its disk file. More... | |
class | PersistMemory |
Saves and loads objects from a stream. More... | |
class | PersistPropertyBag |
Works with IPropertyBag and IErrorlog to define an individual property-based persistence mechanism. More... | |
class | PersistPropertyBag2 |
Works with the IPropertyBag2 interface and the IErrorlog interface to define an individual property-based persistence mechanism. More... | |
class | PersistSerializedPropStorage |
class | PersistSerializedPropStorage2 |
class | PersistStorage |
Enables a container application to pass a storage object to one of its contained objects and to load and save the storage object. This interface supports the structured storage model, in which each contained object has its own storage that is nested within the container's storage. More... | |
class | PersistStream |
Wrapper for the IPersistStream interface. IPersistStream enables the saving and loading of objects that use a simple serial stream for their storage needs. More... | |
class | PersistStreamInit |
class | Picture |
class | Picture2 |
class | PictureDisp |
class | PlatformNotSupportedException |
class | PointerInactive |
class | PortableDeviceKeyCollection |
class | PortableDevicePropVariantCollection |
class | PortableDeviceValues |
class | PortableDeviceValuesCollection |
class | Process |
class | ProcessAccessMask |
class | ProcessLock |
Used by ISurrogateService to prevent the process from terminating due to a time-out. More... | |
class | ProcessOptions |
struct | ProducerToken |
class | ProgressNotify |
Enables applications and other objects to receive notifications of changes in the progress of a downloading operation. More... | |
class | PropertyBag |
class | PropertyBag2 |
Provides an object with a property bag in which the object can save its properties persistently. More... | |
class | PropertyChange |
class | PropertyChangeArray |
class | PropertyDescription |
class | PropertyDescription2 |
class | PropertyDescriptionAliasInfo |
class | PropertyDescriptionList |
class | PropertyDescriptionRelatedPropertyInfo |
class | PropertyDescriptionSearchInfo |
class | PropertyEnumType |
class | PropertyEnumType2 |
class | PropertyEnumTypeList |
class | PropertyNotifySink |
class | PropertyPage |
class | PropertyPage2 |
class | PropertyPageSite |
Provides the main features for a property page site object. More... | |
class | PropertyStore |
class | PropertyStoreCache |
class | PropertyStoreCapabilities |
class | PropertyStoreFactory |
class | PropertySystem |
class | PropertySystemChangeNotify |
class | PropertyVariant |
class | ProvideClassInfo |
Provides access to the type information for an object's coclass entry in its type library. More... | |
class | ProvideClassInfo2 |
An extension to ProvideClassInfo (IProvideClassInfo) that makes is faster and easier to retrieve an object's outgoing interface IID for its default event set. More... | |
class | ProvideMultipleClassInfo |
An extension to IProvideClassInfo2 that makes it faster and easier to retrieve type information from a component that may have multiple coclasses that determine its behavior. More... | |
class | QuickActivate |
Enables controls and containers to avoid performance bottlenecks on loading controls. It combines the load-time or initialization-time handshaking between the control and its container into a single call. More... | |
class | RankException |
class | RdtscConverter |
class | RecordInfo |
Describes the structure of a particular UDT. You can use IRecordInfo any time you need to access the description of UDTs contained in type libraries. IRecordInfo can be reused as needed; there can be many instances of the UDT for a single IRecordInfo pointer. More... | |
class | ReferenceCounted |
class | ReferenceCountedData |
class | ReferenceCountedPtr |
class | ReferenceCountedThreadSafe |
class | RegistryHandle |
class | RootStorage |
The IRootStorage interface contains a single method that switches a storage object to a different underlying file and saves the storage object to that file. The save operation occurs even with low-memory conditions and uncommitted changes to the storage object. A subsequent call to IStorage::Commit is guaranteed to not consume additional memory. More... | |
class | ROTData |
Implemented by monikers to enable the running object table (ROT) to compare monikers against each other. More... | |
class | RtwqAsyncCallback |
class | RtwqAsyncResult |
class | RtwqPlatformEvents |
class | RunnableObject |
Enables a container to control the running of its embedded objects. In the case of an object implemented with a local server, calling the Run method launches the server's .EXE file. In the case of an object implemented with an in-process server, calling Run causes the object .DLL file to transition into the running state. More... | |
class | RunningObjectTable |
Manages access to the running object table (ROT), a globally accessible look-up table on each workstation. A workstation's ROT keeps track of those objects that can be identified by a moniker and that are currently running on the workstation. When a client tries to bind a moniker to an object, the moniker checks the ROT to see if the object is already running; this allows the moniker to bind to the current instance instead of loading a new one. More... | |
class | SafeArray |
class | SafeArrayT |
struct | SByteBitTraits |
class | Semaphore |
class | SemaphoreAccessMask |
class | SemaphoreEx |
class | Sensor |
Represents a sensor. More... | |
class | SensorCollection |
class | SensorDataReport |
class | SensorEventSink |
class | SensorEventSinkBase |
class | SensorManager |
Provides methods for discovering and retrieving available sensors and a method to request sensor manager events. More... | |
class | SensorManagerEventSink |
class | SensorManagerEventSinkBase |
class | SequentialStream |
class | ServiceProvider |
Provides a generic access mechanism to locate a GUID-identified service. More... | |
struct | SevenBitDecode |
struct | SevenBitEncode |
class | ShellItem |
class | ShellItemArray |
class | Sign |
Represents the sign of a signed arithmetic type. More... | |
class | SimpleConcurrentQueue |
Simple blocking fixed size queue. More... | |
class | SimpleFrameSite |
class | SlimReaderWriterLock |
Slim reader/writer (SRW) locks enable the threads of a single process to access shared resources; they are optimized for speed and occupy very little memory. Slim reader-writer locks cannot be shared across processes. More... | |
class | SpecifyPropertyPages |
Indicates that an object supports property pages. OLE property pages enable an object to display its properties in a tabbed dialog box known as a property sheet. An end user can then view and change the object's properties. An object can display its property pages independent of its client, or the client can manage the display of property pages from a number of contained objects in a single property sheet. Property pages also provide a means for notifying a client of changes in an object's properties. More... | |
class | Spinlock |
class | StackOverflowException |
class | StartupInfo |
class | StgMedium |
Represents a generalized global memory handle used for data transfer operations by the IAdviseSink, IDataObject, and IOleCache interfaces. More... | |
class | Stopwatch |
class | Storage |
class | Stream |
class | StringBuilder |
class | SupportErrorInfo |
Ensures that error information can be propagated up the call chain correctly. Automation objects that use the error handling interfaces must implement ISupportErrorInfo. More... | |
class | SurrogateService |
Used to initialize, launch, and release a COM+ application. You can also refresh the catalog and shut down the process. More... | |
class | SynchronizationBarrier |
A synchronization barrier enables multiple threads to wait until all threads have all reached a particular point of execution before any thread continues. Synchronization barriers cannot be shared across processes. More... | |
class | SysString |
class | SystemException |
class | Thread |
class | ThreadAbortException |
Thrown by Thread::Exit. More... | |
class | ThreadAccessMask |
class | ThreadGroup |
class | TimeBase |
class | TimeoutException |
class | TimerQueue |
class | TimerQueueTimer |
class | TimeSpan |
Represents a time interval. More... | |
class | Tuple |
class | Tuple< T, Types... > |
class | Tuple<> |
struct | TupleElement |
class | TypeAttributes |
class | TypeChangeEvents |
Enables clients to subscribe to type change notifications on objects that implement the ITypeInfo, ITypeInfo2, ICreateTypeInfo, and ICreateTypeInfo2 interfaces. When ITypeChangeEvents is implemented on an object, it acts as an incoming interface that enables the object to receive calls from external clients and engage in bidirectional communication with those clients. More... | |
class | TypeComp |
The ITypeComp interface provides a fast way to access information that compilers need when binding to and instantiating structures and interfaces. Binding is the process of mapping names to types and type members. More... | |
class | TypeFactory |
class | TypeInfo |
ITypeInfo is an interface used for reading information about objects. For example, an object browser tool can use ITypeInfo to extract information about the characteristics and capabilities of objects from type libraries. More... | |
class | TypeInfo2 |
Used for reading information about objects. Can be cast to an ITypeInfo instead of using the calls QueryInterface and Release to allow quick opens and allocs. This only works for in-process cases. More... | |
class | TypeInitializationException |
class | TypeLib |
Represents a type library, the data that describes a set of objects. A type library can be a stand-alone binary file (.TLB), a resource in a dynamic link library or executable file (.DLL, .OLB, or .EXE). More... | |
class | TypeLib2 |
Represents a type library, the data that describes a set of objects. More... | |
class | TypeLibAttributes |
class | TypeLibEntry |
class | TypeLibRegistration |
class | TypeLibRegistrationReader |
class | TypeLoadException |
class | TypeMarshal |
class | TypeUnloadedException |
struct | UInt16BitTraits |
struct | UInt32BitTraits |
struct | UInt64BitTraits |
class | UnauthorizedAccessException |
class | Unknown |
Base class for COM interface wrappers. More... | |
class | UnsecuredApartment |
class | UriFormatException |
class | UriTemplateMatchException |
class | Variant |
struct | VariantTypeTraits |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< bool > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< double > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< float > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< int > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< long > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< long long > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< short > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< signed char > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< unsigned char > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< unsigned int > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< unsigned long > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< unsigned long long > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< unsigned short > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< wchar_t > |
struct | VariantTypeTraits< WideString > |
class | Vector |
class | VectorBase |
class | VectorConstIterator |
class | VectorIterator |
class | ViewObject |
class | ViewObject2 |
class | ViewObjectEx |
class | WaitableHandle |
class | WaitableTimer |
class | WaitableTimerAccessMask |
class | WbemAddressResolution |
class | WbemBackupRestore |
class | WbemBackupRestoreEx |
class | WbemCallResult |
class | WbemClassObject |
The WbemClassObject contains and manipulates both class definitions and class object instances. More... | |
class | WbemClientConnectionTransport |
class | WbemClientTransport |
class | WbemConfigureRefresher |
class | WbemConnectorLogin |
class | WbemConstructClassObject |
class | WbemContext |
class | WbemDecoupledBasicEventProvider |
class | WbemDecoupledRegistrar |
class | WbemEventConsumerProvider |
class | WbemEventProvider |
class | WbemEventProviderQuerySink |
class | WbemEventProviderSecurity |
class | WbemEventSink |
class | WbemHiPerfEnum |
class | WbemHiPerfProvider |
class | WbemLevel1Login |
class | WbemLocator |
class | WbemMethod |
class | WbemMethodSignature |
class | WbemObjectAccess |
class | WbemObjectSink |
The IWbemObjectSink interface creates a sink interface that can receive all types of notifications within the WMI programming model. Clients must implement this interface to receive both the results of the asynchronous methods of WbemServices, and specific types of event notifications. Providers use, but do not implement this interface to provide events and objects to WMI. More... | |
class | WbemObjectSinkEx |
class | WbemObjectTextSrc |
class | WbemProperty |
class | WbemPropertyProvider |
class | WbemProviderIdentity |
class | WbemProviderInit |
class | WbemProviderInitSink |
class | WbemQualifierSet |
class | WbemRefresher |
class | WbemServices |
The WbemServices is used by clients and providers to access WMI services. The interface is implemented by WMI and WMI providers, and is the primary WMI interface. More... | |
class | WbemShutdown |
class | WbemStatusCodeText |
class | WbemTransport |
class | WbemUnboundObjectSink |
class | WbemUnsecuredApartment |
struct | WideCharBitTraits |
class | WpdSerializer |
Used by the device driver to serialize IPortableDeviceValues interfaces to and from the raw data buffers used to communicate with the application. More... | |
class | XXH64Hasher |
Concepts | |
concept | CharType |
concept | ApiCharType |
concept | SimpleSpanLike |
Matches most containers with sequential memory layout. | |
concept | SimpleCharSpanLike |
Matches most common string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | SimpleAnsiCharSpanLike |
Matches most common char string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | SimpleWideCharSpanLike |
Matches most common wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | SimpleByteSpanLike |
Matches most common container classes with sequential memory layout. | |
concept | SpanLike |
concept | CharSpanLike |
Matches most common string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | AnsiCharSpanLike |
Matches most common char string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | WideCharSpanLike |
Matches most common wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout. Do not assume that they are zero terminated. | |
concept | SimpleStringLike |
Matches most common zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout. | |
concept | SimpleWideStringLike |
Matches most common zero terminated C++ wchar_t string classes with sequential memory layout. | |
concept | SimpleAnsiStringLike |
Matches most common zero terminated C++ char string classes with sequential memory layout. | |
concept | StringLike |
Matches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for either char or wchar_t. | |
concept | WideStringLike |
Matches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for wchar_t. | |
concept | AnsiStringLike |
Matches zero terminated C++ string classes with sequential memory layout that implements an API similar to std::basic_string instantiated for char. | |
concept | SimpleComLike |
concept | BinaryLike |
concept | GuidType |
concept | WideStringType |
Typedefs | |
using | ApplicationMessage = Concurrency::Messages::Message<ApplicationMessageType> |
template<ApplicationMessageType messageId> | |
using | SimpleApplicationMessage = Concurrency::Messages::SimpleMessage<ApplicationMessageType, messageId> |
template<typename ValueT , ApplicationMessageType messageId> | |
using | SimpleApplicationValueMessage = Concurrency::Messages::SimpleValueMessage<ValueT, ApplicationMessageType, messageId> |
using | ApplicationStopMessage = SimpleApplicationMessage<ApplicationMessageType::Stop> |
using | ApplicationThreadAttachedMessage = SimpleApplicationValueMessage<UInt32, ApplicationMessageType::ThreadAttached> |
using | ApplicationThreadDetachedMessage = SimpleApplicationValueMessage<UInt32, ApplicationMessageType::ThreadDetached> |
using | WideString = BasicString<wchar_t> |
using | AnsiString = BasicString<char> |
using | WideStringView = BasicStringView<wchar_t> |
using | AnsiStringView = BasicStringView<char> |
using | Boolean = bool |
using | Int8 = signed char |
using | SByte = signed char |
using | UInt8 = unsigned char |
using | Byte = unsigned char |
using | Int16 = short |
using | UInt16 = unsigned short |
using | ushort = unsigned short |
using | Int32 = int |
using | Int = int |
using | UInt32 = unsigned int |
using | UInt = unsigned int |
using | ULong32 = unsigned long |
using | Long32 = long |
using | uint = unsigned int |
using | DWord32 = unsigned long |
using | DWord = unsigned long |
using | Int64 = long long |
using | Long64 = long long |
using | LongLong = long long |
using | UInt64 = unsigned long long |
using | ULong64 = unsigned long long |
using | ULongLong = unsigned long long |
using | DWord64 = unsigned long |
using | ssize_t = std::make_signed_t<size_t> |
using | SSizeT = ssize_t |
using | SizeT = size_t |
using | Char = char |
using | WideChar = wchar_t |
using | Char8 = char |
using | Char16 = wchar_t |
using | Char32 = UInt32 |
using | Single = float |
using | Double = double |
template<typename T > | |
using | Nullable = std::optional<T> |
template<size_t N> | |
using | BitMask_t = typename BitMask<N>::type |
using | PropertyPageIds = std::vector<Guid> |
template<size_t maxSize> | |
using | FixedWideString = FixedString<wchar_t, maxSize> |
template<size_t maxSize> | |
using | FixedAnsiString = FixedString<char, maxSize> |
template<typename ... Types> | |
using | TypeList = Meta::List<Types...> |
template<typename Type , typename... TypeList> | |
using | IsAnyOf = std::disjunction<std::is_same<Type, TypeList>...> |
template<typename T > | |
using | MakeUnsigned = typename Internal::MakeUnsignedHelper< sizeof(T) >::Type |
template<typename T > | |
using | ElementTypeOf = std::remove_reference_t<decltype( *std::begin( std::declval<T&>( ) ) )> |
template<class It > | |
using | IteratorValue_t = std::iter_value_t<It> |
template<class It > | |
using | IteratorCategory_t = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category |
template<std::size_t index, typename... Args> | |
using | TupleElement_t = typename TupleElement<index, Args...>::type |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ApplicationMessageType { Unknown , Stop , ThreadAttached , ThreadDetached } |
enum class | ThreadModel : DWORD { Unknown = 0 , ApartmentThreaded = COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED , MultiThreaded = COINIT_MULTITHREADED , DisableDDE = COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE , SpeedOverMemory = COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY } |
enum class | DayOfWeek { Sunday = 0 , Monday = 1 , Tuesday = 2 , Wednesday = 3 , Thursday = 4 , Friday = 5 , Saturday = 6 } |
enum class | DatePart { Year = 0 , DayOfYear = 1 , Month = 2 , Day = 3 } |
enum class | ExceptionType { Unknown , exception , Exception , SystemException , AppDomainUnloadedException , ArrayTypeMismatchException , AccessViolationException , AggregateException , ApplicationException , ArgumentException , ArgumentNullException , ArgumentOutOfRangeException , ArithmeticException , BadImageFormatException , CannotUnloadAppDomainException , ContextMarshalException , DataMisalignedException , ExecutionEngineException , TypeLoadException , DivideByZeroException , DllNotFoundException , DuplicateWaitObjectException , EntryPointNotFoundException , MemberAccessException , FieldAccessException , FormatException , IndexOutOfRangeException , InsufficientExecutionStackException , OutOfMemoryException , InsufficientMemoryException , InvalidCastException , InvalidOperationException , InvalidProgramException , InvalidTimeZoneException , MethodAccessException , MissingMemberException , MissingFieldException , MissingMethodException , MulticastNotSupportedException , NotFiniteNumberException , NotImplementedException , NotSupportedException , NullReferenceException , OperationCanceledException , OverflowException , PlatformNotSupportedException , RankException , StackOverflowException , TimeoutException , TypeInitializationException , TypeUnloadedException , UnauthorizedAccessException , UriFormatException , UriTemplateMatchException , IOException , DirectoryNotFoundException , DriveNotFoundException , EndOfStreamException , FileLoadException , FileNotFoundException , PathTooLongException , PipeException , IsolatedStorageException , SocketException , CustomAttributeFormatException , InvalidFilterCriteriaException , ReflectionTypeLoadException , TargetException , TargetInvocationException , TargetParameterCountException , ExternalException , COMException , InvalidComObjectException , InvalidOleVariantTypeException , MarshalDirectiveException , SafeArrayTypeMismatchException , SafeArrayRankMismatchException , SEHException , RemotingException , RemotingTimeoutException , ServerException , SUDSGeneratorException , SUDSParserException , SerializationException , DbException , OracleException , ODBCException , MessageQueueException , MissingManifestResourceException , SecurityException , VerificationException , CryptographicException , CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException , PolicyException , SynchronizationLockException , ThreadAbortException , ThreadInterruptedException , ThreadStateException , ThreadStopException , WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException } |
enum class | PageFlags : DWORD { NoAccess = PAGE_NOACCESS , Readonly = PAGE_READONLY , ReadWrite = PAGE_READWRITE , WriteCopy = PAGE_WRITECOPY , Execute = PAGE_EXECUTE , ExecuteRead = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ , ExecuteReadWrite = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE , ExecuteWriteCopy = PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY , Guard = PAGE_GUARD , NoCache = PAGE_NOCACHE , WriteCombine = PAGE_WRITECOMBINE } |
enum class | SectionFlags : DWORD { None = 0 , PartitionOwnerHandle = SEC_PARTITION_OWNER_HANDLE , Pages64K = SEC_64K_PAGES , File = SEC_FILE , Image = SEC_IMAGE , ProtectedImage = SEC_PROTECTED_IMAGE , Reserve = SEC_RESERVE , Commit = SEC_COMMIT , NoCache = SEC_NOCACHE , WriteCombine = SEC_WRITECOMBINE , LargePages = SEC_LARGE_PAGES , ImageNoExecute = SEC_IMAGE_NO_EXECUTE } |
enum class | MemoryMappedFileRights : DWORD { CopyOnWrite = FILE_MAP_COPY , Write = FILE_MAP_WRITE , Read = FILE_MAP_READ , Execute = FILE_MAP_EXECUTE , Delete = DELETE , ReadPermissions = READ_CONTROL , ChangePermissions = WRITE_DAC , TakeOwnership = WRITE_OWNER , ReadWrite = Read | Write , ReadExecute = Read | Execute , ReadWriteExecute = Read | Write | Execute , FullControl = CopyOnWrite | Read | Write | Execute | Delete | ReadPermissions | ChangePermissions | TakeOwnership , AccessSystemSecurity = ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY } |
enum class | MemoryMappedFileAccess : DWORD { ReadWrite = 0 , Read , Write , CopyOnWrite , ReadExecute , ReadWriteExecute } |
enum class | MemoryMappedFileOptions : DWORD { None = 0 , DelayAllocatePages = 0x4000000 } |
enum class | FileMap : DWORD { Read = FILE_MAP_READ , Write = FILE_MAP_WRITE , AllAccess = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS , Execute = FILE_MAP_EXECUTE , Copy = FILE_MAP_COPY , Reserve = FILE_MAP_RESERVE , TargetsInvalid = FILE_MAP_TARGETS_INVALID , LargePages = FILE_MAP_LARGE_PAGES } |
enum class | MarshalContext : DWORD { Local = 0 , NoSharedMem = 1 , DifferentMachine = 2 , InProc = 3 , CrossCtx = 4 } |
enum class | MarshalFlags : DWORD { Normal = 0 , TableStrong = 1 , TableWeak = 2 , NoPing = 4 } |
enum class | ProcessCreationFlags : DWORD { None = 0 , Debug = DEBUG_PROCESS , DebugOnlyThis = DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS , Suspended = CREATE_SUSPENDED , Detached = DETACHED_PROCESS , CreateNewConsole = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE , NormalPriority = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , IdlePriority = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS , HighPriority = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS , RealTimePriority = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS , CreateNewProcessGroup = CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP , CreateUnicodeEnvironment = CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT , CreateSeparateWowVdm = CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM , CreateSharedWowVdm = CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM , CreateForceDos = CREATE_FORCEDOS , BelowNormalPriority = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , AboveNormalPriority = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , InheritParentAffinity = INHERIT_PARENT_AFFINITY , InheritCallerPriority = INHERIT_CALLER_PRIORITY , CreateProtectedProcess = CREATE_PROTECTED_PROCESS , ExtendedStartupInfoPresent = EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT , ProcessModeBackgroundBegin = PROCESS_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN , ProcessModeBackgroundEnd = PROCESS_MODE_BACKGROUND_END , CreateSecureProcess = CREATE_SECURE_PROCESS , CreateBreakawayFromJob = CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB , CreatePreserveCodeAuthzLevel = CREATE_PRESERVE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL , CreateDefaultErrorMode = CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE , CreateNoWindow = CREATE_NO_WINDOW , ProfileUser = PROFILE_USER , ProfileKernel = PROFILE_KERNEL , ProfileServer = PROFILE_SERVER , CreateIgnoreSystemDefault = CREATE_IGNORE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT } |
enum class | RegistryValueType : DWORD { None = REG_NONE , String = REG_SZ , ExpandString = REG_EXPAND_SZ , Binary = REG_BINARY , Int32 = REG_DWORD , LittleEndianInt32 = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN , BigEndianInt32 = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN , Link = REG_LINK , Strings = REG_MULTI_SZ , ResourceList = REG_RESOURCE_LIST , FullResourceDescriptor = REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR , ResourceRequirementsList = REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST , Int64 = REG_QWORD , LittleEndianInt64 = REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN } |
enum class | RequestPermissionsResult { Ok , AccessDenied , Cancelled } |
Flags that control the behavior of threads that enter a barrier. More... | |
enum class | TimerQueueTimerFlags : DWORD { Default = WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT , ExecuteInTimerThread = WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD , ExecuteInPersistentThread = WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTTHREAD , ExecuteLongFunction = WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION , ExecuteOnlyOnce = WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE , TransferImpersonation = WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION } |
enum class | VariantType : unsigned short { Empty = 0 , Null = 1 , Int2 = 2 , Short = 2 , Int16 = 2 , Int4 = 3 , Long = 3 , Int32 = 3 , Real4 = 4 , Float = 4 , Single = 4 , Real8 = 5 , Double = 5 , Currency = 6 , DateTime = 7 , BStr = 8 , Dispatch = 9 , Error = 10 , Bool = 11 , Variant = 12 , Unknown = 13 , Decimal = 14 , Int1 = 16 , SByte = 16 , UInt1 = 17 , Byte = 17 , UInt2 = 18 , UShort = 18 , UInt16 = 18 , UInt4 = 19 , UInt32 = 19 , ULong = 19 , Int8 = 20 , Int64 = 20 , LongLong = 20 , UInt8 = 21 , UInt64 = 21 , ULongLong = 21 , Int = 22 , UInt = 23 , Void = 24 , HResult = 25 , Pointer = 26 , SafeArray = 27 , CArray = 28 , UserDefined = 29 , LPStr = 30 , LPWStr = 31 , Record = 36 , IntPtr = 37 , UIntPtr = 38 , FileTime = 64 , Blob = 65 , Stream = 66 , Storage = 67 , StreamedObject = 68 , StoredObject = 69 , BlobObject = 70 , CF = 71 , CLSID = 72 , VersionedStream = 73 , BStrBlob = 0xfff , Vector = 0x1000 , Array = 0x2000 , Byref = 0x4000 , Reserved = 0x8000 , Illegal = 0xffff , IllegalMasked = 0xfff , TypeMask = 0xfff } |
enum class | WinError : unsigned int { None = 0 , Success = 0 , NoError = 0 , InvalidFunction = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION , FileNotFound = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND , PathNotFound = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND , TooManyOpenFiles = ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES , AccessDenied = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED , InvalidHandle = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE , ArenaTrashed = ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED , NotEnoughMemory = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY , InvalidBlock = ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK , BadEnvironment = ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT , BadFormat = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT , InvalidAccess = ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS , InvalidData = ERROR_INVALID_DATA , OutOfMemory = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY , InvalidDrive = ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE , CurrentDirectory = ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY , NotSameDevice = ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE , NoMoreFiles = ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES , WriteProtect = ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT , BadUnit = ERROR_BAD_UNIT , NotReady = ERROR_NOT_READY , BadCommand = ERROR_BAD_COMMAND , CyclicRedundancyCheck = ERROR_CRC , BadLength = ERROR_BAD_LENGTH , Seek = ERROR_SEEK , NotDosDisk = ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK , SectorNotFound = ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND , OutOfPaper = ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER , WriteFault = ERROR_WRITE_FAULT , ReadFault = ERROR_READ_FAULT , Failure = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE , SharingViolation = ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION , LockViolation = ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION , WrongDisk = ERROR_WRONG_DISK , SharingBufferExceeded = ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED , HandleEndOfFile = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF , HandleDiskFull = ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL , NotSupported = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED , RemNotList = ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST , DuplicateName = ERROR_DUP_NAME , BadNetworkPath = ERROR_BAD_NETPATH , NetworkBusy = ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY , DeviceNotExist = ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST , TooManyCommands = ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS , AdapterHardwareError = ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR , BadNetworkResponse = ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP , UnexpectedNetworkError = ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR , BadRemoteAdapter = ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP , PrinterQueueIsFull = ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL , NoSpoolSpace = ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE , PrintCancelled = ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED , NetworkNameDeleted = ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED , NetworkAccessDenied = ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED , BadDeviceType = ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE , BadNetworkName = ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME , TooManyNames = ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES , TooManySessions = ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS , SharingPaused = ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED , RequestNotAccepted = ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP , RedirectPaused = ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED , FileExists = ERROR_FILE_EXISTS , CannotMake = ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE , Int24Failure = ERROR_FAIL_I24 , OutOfStructures = ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES , AlreadyAssigned = ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED , InvalidPassword = ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD , InvalidParameter = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER , NetworkWriteFault = ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT , NoProcessSlots = ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTS , TooManySemaphores = ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES , ExclusiveSemaphoreAlreadyOwned = ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNED , SemaphoreIsSet = ERROR_SEM_IS_SET , TooManySemaphoreRequests = ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS , InvalidAtInterruptTime = ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME , SemaphoreOwnerDied = ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED , SemaphoreUserLimit = ERROR_SEM_USER_LIMIT , DiskChange = ERROR_DISK_CHANGE , DriveLocked = ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED , BrokenPipe = ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE , OpenFailed = ERROR_OPEN_FAILED , BufferOverflow = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW , DiskFull = ERROR_DISK_FULL , NoMoreSearchHandles = ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES , InvalidTargetHandle = ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE , InvalidCategory = ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORY , InvalidVerifySwitch = ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCH , BadDriverLevel = ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL , CallNotImplemented = ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED , SemaphoreTimeout = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT , InsufficientBuffer = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER , InvalidName = ERROR_INVALID_NAME , InvalidLevel = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL , NoVolumeLabel = ERROR_NO_VOLUME_LABEL , ModuleNotFound = ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND , ProcedureNotFound = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND , WaitNoChildren = ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN , ChildNotComplete = ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE , DirectAccessHandle = ERROR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLE , NegativeSeek = ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK , SeekOnDevice = ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE , IsJoinTarget = ERROR_IS_JOIN_TARGET , IsJoined = ERROR_IS_JOINED , IsSubsted = ERROR_IS_SUBSTED , NotJoined = ERROR_NOT_JOINED , NotSubsted = ERROR_NOT_SUBSTED , JoinToJoin = ERROR_JOIN_TO_JOIN , SubstToSubst = ERROR_SUBST_TO_SUBST , JoinToSubst = ERROR_JOIN_TO_SUBST , SubstToJoin = ERROR_SUBST_TO_JOIN , BusyDrive = ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE , SameDrive = ERROR_SAME_DRIVE , DirectoryNotRoot = ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT , DirectoryNotEmpty = ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY , IsSubstPath = ERROR_IS_SUBST_PATH , IsJoinPath = ERROR_IS_JOIN_PATH , PathBusy = ERROR_PATH_BUSY , IsSubstTarget = ERROR_IS_SUBST_TARGET , SystemTrace = ERROR_SYSTEM_TRACE , InvalidEventCount = ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_COUNT , TooManyMuxWaiters = ERROR_TOO_MANY_MUXWAITERS , InvalidListFormat = ERROR_INVALID_LIST_FORMAT , LabelTooLong = ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG , TooManyThreadControlBlocks = ERROR_TOO_MANY_TCBS , SignalRefused = ERROR_SIGNAL_REFUSED , Discarded = ERROR_DISCARDED , NotLocked = ERROR_NOT_LOCKED , BadThreadIdAddress = ERROR_BAD_THREADID_ADDR , BadArguments = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS , BadPathname = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME , SignalPending = ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING , MaxThreadsReached = ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHED , LockFailed = ERROR_LOCK_FAILED , Busy = ERROR_BUSY , DeviceSupportInProgress = ERROR_DEVICE_SUPPORT_IN_PROGRESS , CancelViolation = ERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATION , AtomicLocksNotSupported = ERROR_ATOMIC_LOCKS_NOT_SUPPORTED , InvalidSegmentNumber = ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_NUMBER , InvalidOrdinal = ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL , AlreadyExists = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS , InvalidFlagNumber = ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NUMBER , SemaphoreNotFound = ERROR_SEM_NOT_FOUND , InvalidStartingCodeSegment = ERROR_INVALID_STARTING_CODESEG , InvalidStackSegment = ERROR_INVALID_STACKSEG , InvalidModuleType = ERROR_INVALID_MODULETYPE , InvalidExeSignature = ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE , ExeMarkedInvalid = ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID , BadExeFormat = ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT , IteratedDataExceeds64k = ERROR_ITERATED_DATA_EXCEEDS_64k , InvalidMinAllocSize = ERROR_INVALID_MINALLOCSIZE , DynlinkFromInvalidRing = ERROR_DYNLINK_FROM_INVALID_RING , IoplNotEnabled = ERROR_IOPL_NOT_ENABLED , InvalidSegDpl = ERROR_INVALID_SEGDPL , AutoDataSegExceeds64k = ERROR_AUTODATASEG_EXCEEDS_64k , Ring2SegMustBeMovable = ERROR_RING2SEG_MUST_BE_MOVABLE , RelocChainXeedsSegLim = ERROR_RELOC_CHAIN_XEEDS_SEGLIM , InfLoopInRelocChain = ERROR_INFLOOP_IN_RELOC_CHAIN , EnvVarNotFound = ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND , NoSignalSent = ERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENT , FilenameExcedRange = ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE , Ring2StackInUse = ERROR_RING2_STACK_IN_USE , MetaExpansionTooLong = ERROR_META_EXPANSION_TOO_LONG , InvalidSignalNumber = ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER , Thread1Inactive = ERROR_THREAD_1_INACTIVE , Locked = ERROR_LOCKED , TooManyModules = ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULES , NestingNotAllowed = ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWED , ExeMachineTypeMismatch = ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH , IoIncomplete = ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE , IoPending = ERROR_IO_PENDING , OperationAborted = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED , StatusCancelled = std::bit_cast<unsigned int>(STATUS_CANCELLED) , StatusLocalDisconnect = std::bit_cast<unsigned int>(STATUS_LOCAL_DISCONNECT) , StatusRemoteDisconnect = std::bit_cast<unsigned int>(STATUS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT) , WsaInterrupted = WSAEINTR , WsaBadFileHandle = WSAEBADF , WsaAccess = WSAEACCES , WsaInvalidPointer = WSAEFAULT , WsaInvalidArgument = WSAEINVAL , WsaToManyOpenSockets = WSAEMFILE , WsaWouldBlock = WSAEWOULDBLOCK , WsaInProgress = WSAEINPROGRESS , WsaAlready = WSAEALREADY , WsaNotSocket = WSAENOTSOCK , WsaDestinationAddressRequired = WSAEDESTADDRREQ , WsaMessageSize = WSAEMSGSIZE , WsaProtocolType = WSAEPROTOTYPE , WsaInvalidProtocolOptionId = WSAENOPROTOOPT , WsaProtocolNotSupported = WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT , WsaSocketTypeNotSupportedByAddressFamily = WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT , WsaOperationNotSupported = WSAEOPNOTSUPP , WsaProtocolFamilyNotSupported = WSAEPFNOSUPPORT , WsaAddressIncompatibleWithProtocol = WSAEAFNOSUPPORT , WsaAddressInUse = WSAEADDRINUSE , WsaAddressNotAvailable = WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL , WsaNetworkDown = WSAENETDOWN , WsaNetworkUnreachable = WSAENETUNREACH , WsaNetworkReset = WSAENETRESET , WsaConnectionAborted = WSAECONNABORTED , WsaConnectionReset = WSAECONNRESET , WsaNoBuffers = WSAENOBUFS , WsaIsConnected = WSAEISCONN , WsaNotConnected = WSAENOTCONN , WsaShutdown = WSAESHUTDOWN , WsaTooManyReferences = WSAETOOMANYREFS , WsaTimedout = WSAETIMEDOUT , WsaConnectionRefused = WSAECONNREFUSED , WsaLoop = WSAELOOP , WsaNameTooLong = WSAENAMETOOLONG , WsaHostIsDown = WSAEHOSTDOWN , WsaHostUnreachable = WSAEHOSTUNREACH , WsaNotEmpty = WSAENOTEMPTY , WsaProcessLimit = WSAEPROCLIM , WsaUsers = WSAEUSERS , WsaDiskQuota = WSAEDQUOT , WsaStale = WSAESTALE , WsaRemote = WSAEREMOTE , WsaSystemNotReady = WSASYSNOTREADY , WsaVersionNotSupported = WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED , WsaNotInitialised = WSANOTINITIALISED , WsaDisconnected = WSAEDISCON , WsaNoMore = WSAENOMORE , WsaNoMore2 = WSA_E_NO_MORE , WsaCancelled = WSAECANCELLED , WsaCancelled2 = WSA_E_CANCELLED , WsaInvalidProcedureCallTable = WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE , WsaInvalidServiceProvider = WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER , WsaProviderInitializationFailed = WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT , WsaSystemCallFailure = WSASYSCALLFAILURE , WsaServiceNotFound = WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND , WsaTypeNotFound = WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND , WsaRefused = WSAEREFUSED , WsaHostNotFound = WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND , WsaTryAgain = WSATRY_AGAIN , WsaNoRecovery = WSANO_RECOVERY , WsaNoData = WSANO_DATA } |
Functions | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (UInt64 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit unsigned integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (Int64 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit signed integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (UInt32 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 32-bit unsigned integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (Int32 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 32-bit signed integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (UInt16 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit unsigned integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (Int16 value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit signed integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (wchar_t value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit wchar_t. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (Byte value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit unsigned integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (SByte value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit signed integer. | |
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncodedValue (char value) noexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit char. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (UInt64 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 64-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (Int64 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 64-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (UInt32 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 32-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (Int32 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 32-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (UInt16 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (Int16 value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (wchar_t value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit wchar_t as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (Byte value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (SByte value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Write7BitEncodedValue (char value, Byte *dest) noexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit char as a 7-bit encoded value. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, UInt64 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 64-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, Int64 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 64-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr UInt64 | Read7BitEncodedUInt64 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr Int64 | Read7BitEncodedInt64 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, UInt32 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 32-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, Int32 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 32-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr UInt32 | Read7BitEncodedUInt32 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr Int32 | Read7BitEncodedInt32 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, UInt16 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, Int16 &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, wchar_t &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit wchar_t referenced by resultValue. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr UInt16 | Read7BitEncodedUInt16 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr Int16 | Read7BitEncodedInt16 (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr wchar_t | Read7BitEncodedWChar (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, Byte &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, SByte &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue. | |
constexpr size_t | Read7BitEncodedValue (const Byte *buffer, size_t offset, char &resultValue) noexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit char referenced by resultValue. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr Byte | Read7BitEncodedByte (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr SByte | Read7BitEncodedSByte (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename Reader > requires requires( Reader r, Byte& b ) { { r.Read( b ) }; } | |
constexpr char | Read7BitEncodedChar (Reader &reader) noexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader. | |
template<typename T , size_t N1, size_t N2> | |
constexpr std::array< T, N1+N2 > | operator+ (const std::array< T, N1 > &lhs, const std::array< T, N2 > &rhs) noexcept |
Concatenation of arrays. | |
template<typename ... Args> | |
ByteArray (Args...) -> ByteArray< Internal::_ByteSizeOf_v< Args... > > | |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr ByteArray< N > | Write7BitEncodedValue (UInt64 value) noexcept |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr UInt64 | Read7BitEncodedValue (const ByteArray< N > &byteArray) noexcept |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr bool | BitsToBool (const BitsT bits, const UInt32 startIndex) |
Extracts the value of a bit at a bit index from an integer value. | |
template<typename ResultT , typename BitsT > requires ( std::is_integral_v<BitsT> && std::is_enum_v<ResultT> ) | |
constexpr ResultT | BitsToEnum (const BitsT bits, const UInt32 startIndex, const UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename ResultT , typename BitsT > requires ( std::is_integral_v<BitsT>&& std::is_integral_v<ResultT>&& std::is_unsigned_v<ResultT> ) | |
constexpr ResultT | BitsToUnsigned (const BitsT bits, const UInt32 startIndex, const UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename ResultT , typename BitsT > requires ( std::is_integral_v<BitsT>&& std::is_integral_v<ResultT>&& std::is_signed_v<ResultT> ) | |
constexpr ResultT | BitsToSigned (const BitsT bits, const UInt32 startIndex, const UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr Byte | BitsToByte (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr SByte | BitsToSByte (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr UInt16 | BitsToUInt16 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr Int16 | BitsToInt16 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr UInt32 | BitsToUInt32 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr Int32 | BitsToInt32 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr UInt64 | BitsToUInt64 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename BitsT > requires std::is_integral_v<BitsT> | |
constexpr Int64 | BitsToInt64 (const BitsT bits, UInt32 startIndex, UInt32 bitCount) |
template<typename T > requires (std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_unsigned_v<T>) | |
constexpr T | GrayEncode (T value) |
template<typename T > requires ( std::is_integral_v<T>&& std::is_signed_v<T> ) | |
constexpr T | GrayEncode (T value) |
template<typename T > requires ( std::is_integral_v<T>&& std::is_unsigned_v<T> ) | |
constexpr T | GrayDecode (T value) |
template<typename T > requires ( std::is_integral_v<T>&& std::is_signed_v<T> ) | |
constexpr T | GrayDecode (T value) |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr Bits< N > | operator| (const Bits< N > &lhs, const Bits< N > &rhs) noexcept |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr Bits< N > | operator& (const Bits< N > &lhs, const Bits< N > &rhs) noexcept |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr Bits< N > | operator^ (const Bits< N > &lhs, const Bits< N > &rhs) noexcept |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires std::is_integral_v<T> | |
constexpr Bits< N > | operator<< (const Bits< N > &lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires std::is_integral_v<T> | |
constexpr Bits< N > | operator>> (const Bits< N > &lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept |
template<typename VectorT , typename VectorU > | |
Core::Internal::BitVectorLogicalResult< BitVector< VectorT >, BitVector< VectorU > >::type | operator& (const BitVector< VectorT > &lhs, const BitVector< VectorU > &rhs) |
template<typename VectorT , typename VectorU > | |
Core::Internal::BitVectorLogicalResult< BitVector< VectorT >, BitVector< VectorU > >::type | operator| (const BitVector< VectorT > &lhs, const BitVector< VectorU > &rhs) |
template<typename VectorT , typename VectorU > | |
Core::Internal::BitVectorLogicalResult< BitVector< VectorT >, BitVector< VectorU > >::type | operator^ (const BitVector< VectorT > &lhs, const BitVector< VectorU > &rhs) |
template<typename T , typename Traits > | |
void | swap (typename ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducerKVP &a, typename ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >::ImplicitProducerKVP &b) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename Traits > | |
void | swap (ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits > &a, ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits > &b) noexcept |
void | swap (ProducerToken &a, ProducerToken &b) noexcept |
void | swap (ConsumerToken &a, ConsumerToken &b) noexcept |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, ArgumentType> | |
constexpr ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs no conversion since ResultType must be the same as ArgumentType. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, double>&& std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, float> ) | |
constexpr ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from float to double. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, float>&& std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, double> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from double to float. Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the argument cannot safely be converted to a float. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires (requires( ArgumentType a ) { { ToWideString( a ) } -> std::same_as<WideString>; } && IsWideString<ResultType> && std::is_same_v<Variant, ArgumentType> == false && std::is_same_v<Currency, ArgumentType> == false ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from any type for which there exists an overload of ToWideString, except for Variant and Currency, to WideString. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( requires( ArgumentType a ) { { ToAnsiString( a ) } -> std::same_as<AnsiString>; } && IsAnsiString<ResultType> && std::is_same_v<Variant, ArgumentType> == false && std::is_same_v<Currency, ArgumentType> == false ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from any type for which there exists an overload of ToAnsiString, except for Variant and Currency, to AnsiString. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, bool> && std::is_arithmetic_v<ArgumentType> && IsNotBoolean<ArgumentType> ) | |
constexpr ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer or floating point type, but not bool, to a bool. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, bool> && std::is_arithmetic_v<ResultType> && IsNotBoolean<ResultType> ) | |
constexpr ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a bool to an integer or floating point type, but not a bool type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, bool> && ( std::is_same_v<DateTime, ArgumentType> || std::is_same_v<TimeSpan, ArgumentType> ) ) | |
constexpr ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a DateTime or TimeSpan to a bool. | |
template<typename ResultType , SimpleStringLike ArgumentType> requires requires( const ArgumentType& a ) { { Parse<ResultType>( a ) }->std::same_as<ResultType>; } | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (const ArgumentType &arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that satisfies the SimpleStringLike concept to a type for which there exist a Parse<> specialization that accepts the argument type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, bool> && std::is_same_v<Guid, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Guid to a bool. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, bool> && std::is_same_v<Currency, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Currency to a bool. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( std::is_same_v<Variant, ArgumentType> && std::is_same_v <Variant,ResultType> == false ) && requires ( Variant v ) { { v.As<ResultType>( ) }->std::same_as<ResultType>; } | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Variant to a type for Which there exist a specialization of Variant::As<ResultType>. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( ((IsSignedInteger<ResultType> && IsSignedInteger<ArgumentType>) || ( IsUnsignedInteger<ResultType> && IsUnsignedInteger<ArgumentType> ) ) && size_is_less< ResultType, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from an integer type to another. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( ((IsSignedInteger<ResultType> && IsSignedInteger<ArgumentType>) || ( IsUnsignedInteger<ResultType> && IsUnsignedInteger<ArgumentType> ) ) && size_is_greater_or_equal< ResultType, ArgumentType> && std::is_same_v<ResultType, ArgumentType> == false ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from an integer type to another integer type with the same signedness. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( IsSignedInteger<ResultType> && IsUnsignedInteger<ArgumentType> && size_is_less_or_equal< ResultType, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from an unsigned integer type to a signed integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( IsSignedInteger<ResultType> && IsUnsignedInteger<ArgumentType> && size_is_greater< ResultType, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from an unsigned integer type to a signed integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( IsUnsignedInteger<ResultType> && IsSignedInteger<ArgumentType> && size_is_less< ResultType, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from a signed integer type to an unsigned integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires ( IsUnsignedInteger<ResultType> && IsSignedInteger<ArgumentType> && size_is_greater_or_equal< ResultType, ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from a signed integer type to an unsigned integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires IsInteger<ResultType> && IsFloatingPoint<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a floating point type to an integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires (IsInteger<ResultType> || IsFloatingPoint<ResultType> || IsAnsiString<ResultType> || IsWideString<ResultType> ) && std::is_same_v<ArgumentType,Currency> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Currency value to an integer, floating point, AnsiString or WideString type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires IsInteger<ResultType> && IsAnyOf_v<ArgumentType,DateTime, TimeSpan> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a DateTime or TimeSpan value to an integer type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan> && (std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const wchar_t*> || std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const char*>) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a c style zero terminated string value to a TimeSpan. | |
template<typename ResultType , SimpleStringLike ArgumentType> requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept to a TimeSpan. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan> && IsFloatingPoint<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a TimeSpan to a floating point type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan> && std::is_same_v<ArgumentType,Currency> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Currency value to a TimeSpan value. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, DateTime>&& IsInteger<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer type to a DateTime value. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan>&& IsInteger<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer type to a TimeSpan value. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, DateTime> && (std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const wchar_t*> || std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const char*>) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a c style zero terminated string value to a DateTime. | |
template<typename ResultType , SimpleStringLike ArgumentType> requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, DateTime> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept to a DateTime. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, DateTime> && IsFloatingPoint<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a floating point type to a DateTime value. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires IsFloatingPoint<ResultType> && std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, DateTime> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a DateTime value to a floating point type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires IsFloatingPoint<ResultType> && std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, TimeSpan> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a TimeSpan value to a floating point type. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires (std::is_same_v<ResultType, TimeSpan>&& std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, DateTime>) || ( std::is_same_v<ResultType, DateTime> && std::is_same_v<ArgumentType, TimeSpan> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a TimeSpan value to DataTime value, or a conversion from a DataTime value to TimeSpan value. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires std::is_same_v<ResultType, Guid> && (std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const wchar_t*> || std::is_nothrow_convertible_v< ArgumentType, const char*> || SimpleStringLike<ArgumentType> ) | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a c style zero terminated string value, or a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept, to a Guid. | |
template<typename ResultType , typename ArgumentType > requires IsFloatingPoint<ResultType> && IsInteger<ArgumentType> | |
ResultType | ConvertTo (ArgumentType arg) |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer to a floating point value. | |
HCC_EXPORT uint32_t | crc32 (const void *buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32_t crc=0) |
HCC_EXPORT uint32_t | crc32c (const uint8_t *input, size_t length, uint32_t crc=0) |
HCC_EXPORT uint32_t | crc32c_sw (const uint8_t *input, size_t length, uint32_t crc=0) |
HCC_EXPORT uint32_t | crc32c_hw (const uint8_t *input, size_t length, uint32_t crc=0) |
HCC_EXPORT int | crc32c_hw_available () |
constexpr UInt32 | crc24q (const uint8_t *input, size_t length, UInt32 crc=0) |
static uint32_t | shift_crc (uint32_t shift_table[][256], uint32_t crc) |
void | crc32c_init () |
template<typename T > requires IsCurrency<T> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T value) noexcept |
HCC_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const TimeSpan &timeSpan) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const DateTime &dateTime) |
template<typename T > requires IsTimeSpan<T> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T value) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires IsDateTime<T> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T value) noexcept |
template<typename EnumT , typename ... Args> requires std::is_enum_v<EnumT> && std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<std::remove_cvref_t<EnumT>, std::remove_cvref_t<Args>>...> && ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 ) | |
constexpr bool | ContainsAllOf (EnumT flags, Args &&... args) |
template<typename EnumT , typename ... Args> requires std::is_enum_v<EnumT>&& std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<std::remove_cvref_t<EnumT>, std::remove_cvref_t<Args>>...> && ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 ) | |
constexpr bool | ContainsNoneOf (EnumT flags, Args ... args) |
template<typename EnumT , typename ... Args> requires std::is_enum_v<EnumT>&& std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<std::remove_cvref_t<EnumT>, std::remove_cvref_t<Args>>...> && ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 ) | |
constexpr bool | ContainsAnyOf (EnumT flags, Args ... args) |
template<typename EnumT , typename ... Args> requires std::is_enum_v<EnumT> && std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<std::remove_cvref_t<EnumT>, std::remove_cvref_t<Args>>...> && ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 ) | |
constexpr bool | IsSet (EnumT flags, Args &&... args) |
template<typename EnumT , typename ... Args> requires std::is_enum_v<EnumT>&& std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<std::remove_cvref_t<EnumT>, std::remove_cvref_t<Args>>...> && ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 ) | |
constexpr bool | IsNotSet (EnumT flags, Args ... args) |
constexpr unsigned long long | operator""_gb (unsigned long long value) |
constexpr unsigned long long | operator""_mb (unsigned long long value) |
constexpr unsigned long long | operator""_kb (unsigned long long value) |
HCC_EXPORT void | CheckHRESULT (HRESULT hresult) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | FormatHRESULT (HRESULT hresult) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowHRESULT (HRESULT hresult) |
HCC_EXPORT void | CheckHRESULT (HRESULT hresult, IUnknown *itf) |
HCC_EXPORT void | CheckHRESULT (HRESULT hresult, const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *filename, int lineNumber) |
HCC_EXPORT void | CheckHRESULT (HRESULT hresult, IUnknown *itf, const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *filename, int lineNumber) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | FormatError (DWORD errorId) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString | FormatErrorA (DWORD errorId) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowLastOSError () |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowOSError (DWORD errorId) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowNoInterface () |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowPointerIsNULL () |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowInvalidHandle () |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowNullReferenceException () |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowNullReferenceException (const char *message) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ThrowNullReferenceException (const wchar_t *message) |
HCC_EXPORT HRESULT | HRESULTFromException (const std::exception &exception) |
template<typename T > | |
void | CheckPointerNotNull (T *ptr) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ReportException (const Exception &exception, const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *filename, int lineNumber) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ReportException (const std::exception &exception, const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *filename, int lineNumber) |
HCC_EXPORT void | ReportUnknownException (const wchar_t *function, const wchar_t *filename, int lineNumber) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::MemberKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::MemberKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::MemberKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::MemberKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::MemberKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::MemberKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::MemberKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxRefKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxRefKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxRefKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxRefKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxRefKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxRefKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxRefKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxMemberKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxMemberKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxMemberKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxMemberKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxMemberKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxMemberKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxMemberKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxLanguage value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxLanguage value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxLanguage value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxLanguage value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxLanguage &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxLanguage, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxLanguage, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxSectionKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxSectionKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxSectionKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxSectionKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxSectionKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxSectionKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxSectionKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCheck value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCheck value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCheck value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCheck value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxCheck &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCheck, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCheck, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxImageKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxImageKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxImageKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxImageKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxImageKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxImageKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxImageKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxParamListKind value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxParamListKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxParamListKind value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxParamListKind value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxParamListKind &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxParamListKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxParamListKind, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxParamDir value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxParamDir value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxParamDir value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxParamDir value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxParamDir &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxParamDir, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxParamDir, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxAccessor value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxAccessor value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxAccessor value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxAccessor value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxAccessor &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxAccessor, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxAccessor, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxAlign value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxAlign value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxAlign value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxAlign value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxAlign &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxAlign, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxAlign, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxOlType value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxOlType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxOlType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxOlType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxOlType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxOlType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxOlType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
WideString | ToWideString (MemberKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (MemberKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxGraphRelation value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxGraphRelation value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxRefKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxRefKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxMemberKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxMemberKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxProtectionKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxProtectionKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxRefQualifierKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxRefQualifierKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxLanguage value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxLanguage value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxVirtualKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxVirtualKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCompoundKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCompoundKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxSectionKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxSectionKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxHighlightClass value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxHighlightClass value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxSimpleSectKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxSimpleSectKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCheck value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCheck value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxImageKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxImageKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxPlantumlEngine value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxPlantumlEngine value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxParamListKind value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxParamListKind value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxParamDir value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxParamDir value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxAccessor value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxAccessor value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxAlign value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxAlign value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxVerticalAlign value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxVerticalAlign value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxOlType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxOlType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCmdGroupType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (DoxCmdGroupType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (ColumnType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (ColumnType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (ColumnFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (ColumnFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (IndexFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (IndexFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (RetrieveFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (RetrieveFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (SetFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (SetFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnInfoLevel value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnInfoLevel value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::KeyFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::KeyFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SeekFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SeekFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::IndexRangeFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::IndexRangeFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::TableOptions value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::TableOptions value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ObjectFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ObjectFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SequentialFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SequentialFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ExceptionAction value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ExceptionAction value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OpenTableFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OpenTableFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::TransactionFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::TransactionFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::InitFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::InitFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OnlineDefragFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::OnlineDefragFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::BackupFlags value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Ese::BackupFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnType value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT,WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::ColumnType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnFlags value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::ColumnFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::ColumnFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::IndexFlags value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::IndexFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::IndexFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::IndexFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::IndexFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::IndexFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::IndexFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::RetrieveFlags value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::RetrieveFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::RetrieveFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::RetrieveFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::RetrieveFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::RetrieveFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::RetrieveFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SetFlags value) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString | ToWideString (Ese::SetFlags value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SetFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SetFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::SetFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SetFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SetFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnInfoLevel value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ColumnInfoLevel value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::ColumnInfoLevel &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnInfoLevel, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ColumnInfoLevel, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::KeyFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::KeyFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::KeyFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::KeyFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::KeyFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SeekFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SeekFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::SeekFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SeekFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SeekFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::IndexRangeFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::IndexRangeFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::IndexRangeFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::IndexRangeFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::IndexRangeFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::TableOptions value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::TableOptions value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::TableOptions &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::TableOptions, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::TableOptions, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ObjectFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ObjectFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::ObjectFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ObjectFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ObjectFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SequentialFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::SequentialFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::SequentialFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SequentialFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::SequentialFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ExceptionAction value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::ExceptionAction value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::ExceptionAction &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ExceptionAction, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::ExceptionAction, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OpenTableFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OpenTableFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::OpenTableFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OpenTableFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OpenTableFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::TransactionFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::TransactionFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::TransactionFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::TransactionFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::TransactionFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::InitFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::InitFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::InitFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::InitFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::InitFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OnlineDefragFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::OnlineDefragFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::OnlineDefragFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OnlineDefragFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::OnlineDefragFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::BackupFlags value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Ese::BackupFlags value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Ese::BackupFlags &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::BackupFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Ese::BackupFlags, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
void | LogStackTrace () |
__declspec (thread) wchar_t ExceptionFormatBuffer[1024] = { 0, } | |
HCC_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Guid &guid) |
template<typename T > requires IsGuid<T> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T &guid) noexcept |
Implements ByteSwap for a Guid. | |
WideString | ToWideString (const IO::MemoryStream &stream, bool convertToUnicode=false) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const IO::MemoryStream &stream, bool convertFromUnicode=false) |
template<typename T > requires IsInteger<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (T value) |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires IsUnsignedInteger<T> && (N <= CHAR_BIT * sizeof( T ) ) | |
constexpr T | MaskTrailingOnes () |
Creates a bitmask with the N right-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0. | |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires IsUnsignedInteger<T> && ( N <= CHAR_BIT * sizeof( T ) ) | |
constexpr T | MaskLeadingOnes () |
Creates a bitmask with the N left-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0. | |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires IsUnsignedInteger<T> && ( N <= CHAR_BIT * sizeof( T ) ) | |
constexpr T | MaskTrailingZeros () |
Creates a bitmask with the N right-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1. | |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires IsUnsignedInteger<T> && ( N <= CHAR_BIT * sizeof( T ) ) | |
constexpr T | MaskLeadingZeros () |
Creates a bitmask with the N left-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1. | |
constexpr Byte | ReverseBits (Byte b) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a byte. | |
constexpr SByte | ReverseBits (SByte b) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a SByte. | |
constexpr char | ReverseBits (char b) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a char. | |
constexpr UInt16 | ReverseBits (UInt16 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt16. | |
constexpr Int16 | ReverseBits (Int16 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int16. | |
constexpr wchar_t | ReverseBits (wchar_t val) noexcept |
constexpr UInt32 | ReverseBits (UInt32 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt32. | |
constexpr Int32 | ReverseBits (Int32 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int32. | |
constexpr long | ReverseBits (long val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a long. | |
constexpr unsigned long | ReverseBits (unsigned long val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an unsigned long. | |
constexpr UInt64 | ReverseBits (UInt64 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt64. | |
constexpr Int64 | ReverseBits (Int64 val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int64. | |
constexpr Single | ReverseBits (float val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a float. | |
constexpr Double | ReverseBits (double val) noexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a double. | |
template<typename T > requires std::is_integral_v<T> | |
constexpr bool | IndexOfBitFromMSB (unsigned long *index, T bits) |
constexpr UInt64 | CreateBitMask64 (unsigned numberOfBitsToSet) noexcept |
Creates a bit-mask. | |
constexpr UInt32 | CreateBitMask32 (unsigned numberOfBitsToSet) noexcept |
Creates a bit-mask with all the bits - up to, and including, the bit at bitIndex. | |
constexpr UInt64 | ExtractBits64 (UInt64 value, UInt32 start, UInt32 len) noexcept |
Extracts contiguous bits from value. | |
constexpr UInt32 | ExtractBits32 (UInt32 value, UInt32 start, UInt32 len) noexcept |
Extracts contiguous bits from value. | |
template<size_t N> | |
const void * | AlignTo (const void *address) |
Calculates the address that is aligned on an N byte boundary greater, or equal, to address . | |
template<size_t N> | |
void * | AlignTo (void *address) |
Calculates the address that is aligned on an N byte boundary greater, or equal, to address . | |
template<size_t N> | |
size_t | AlignedPaddingFor (const void *address) |
Calculates the number of bytes between the argument address and an address that is aligned on an N byte boundary greater, or equal, to address . | |
template<typename T > requires IsGUID<T> | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T &guid) noexcept |
Swaps the bytes of the Data1, Data2 and Data3 fields of a Guid or GUID, while leaving Data4 as it is. | |
template<typename T > requires (IsFloatingPoint<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> || std::is_enum_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> ) | |
constexpr T | ByteSwap (const T value) noexcept |
Reverses the bytes of a floating point value, or an enum. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires ( sizeof( T2 ) == 8 ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T1> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T1> ) && requires( T2 t2 ) { { std::bit_cast<UInt64>( t2 ) }->std::convertible_to<UInt64>; } | |
constexpr T1 | GetHigh32Bits (T2 val) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires ( sizeof( T2 ) == 8 ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T1> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T1> ) && requires( T2 t2 ) { { std::bit_cast<UInt64>( t2 ) }->std::convertible_to<UInt64>; } | |
constexpr T2 | SetHigh32Bits (T2 x, T1 value) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires ( sizeof( T2 ) == 8 ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T1> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T1> ) && requires( T2 t2 ) { { std::bit_cast<UInt64>( t2 ) }->std::convertible_to<UInt64>; } | |
constexpr T1 | GetLow32Bits (T2 val) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires ( sizeof( T2 ) == 8 ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T1> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T1> ) && requires( T2 t2 ) { { std::bit_cast<UInt64>( t2 ) }->std::convertible_to<UInt64>; } | |
constexpr T2 | SetLow32Bits (T2 x, T1 value) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > requires ( sizeof( T1 ) == 8 ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T2> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T2> ) && ( std::is_same_v<Int32, T3> || std::is_same_v<UInt32, T3> ) && requires( UInt64 v1 ) { { std::bit_cast<T1>( v1 ) }->std::same_as<T1>; } | |
constexpr T1 | From32BitsTo64Bits (T2 high32Bits, T3 low32Bits) noexcept |
constexpr int | Exponent (double value) noexcept |
constexpr int | Exponent (float v) noexcept |
constexpr UInt64 | Significand (double value) noexcept |
constexpr int | Significand (float v) noexcept |
constexpr UInt64 | SignBit (double value) |
constexpr uint32_t | SignBit (float v) |
constexpr double | FlipSign (double a, double b) |
constexpr float | FlipSign (float a, float b) |
void | MemCopy (char *dest, const char *source, size_t length) noexcept |
void | MemCopy (wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *source, size_t length) noexcept |
void | MemMove (char *dest, const char *source, size_t length) noexcept |
void | MemMove (wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *source, size_t length) noexcept |
void | MemSet (char *dest, char value, size_t length) noexcept |
void | MemSet (wchar_t *dest, wchar_t value, size_t length) noexcept |
int | MemCmp (const char *first, const char *second, size_t length) |
int | MemCmp (const wchar_t *first, const wchar_t *second, size_t length) |
char * | MemChr (char *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
const char * | MemChr (const char *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
wchar_t * | MemChr (wchar_t *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
const wchar_t * | MemChr (const wchar_t *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
char | ToUpper (char c) noexcept |
wchar_t | ToUpper (wchar_t c) noexcept |
char | ToLower (char c) noexcept |
wchar_t | ToLower (wchar_t c) noexcept |
void | ToUpper (char *s) |
void | ToUpper (wchar_t *s) |
void | ToLower (char *s) |
void | ToLower (wchar_t *s) |
void | ToUpper (char *s, size_t size) |
void | ToUpper (wchar_t *s, size_t size) |
void | ToLower (char *s, size_t size) |
void | ToLower (wchar_t *s, size_t size) |
char * | MemIChr (char *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
const char * | MemIChr (const char *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
wchar_t * | MemIChr (wchar_t *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
const wchar_t * | MemIChr (const wchar_t *buffer, int value, size_t bufferSize) noexcept |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires ( std::is_same_v<char,std::remove_cv_t<T>> == false && std::is_same_v<wchar_t, std::remove_cv_t<T>> == false ) | |
constexpr size_t | LengthOf (T(&array)[N]) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires requires( T container ) { { container.size( ) } -> std::convertible_to<size_t>; } | |
constexpr size_t | LengthOf (const T &container) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_same_v<T,char> || std::is_same_v<T, wchar_t> | |
constexpr size_t | LengthOf (const T *str) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (nullptr_t s1, nullptr_t s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (nullptr_t s1, const char *s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (const char *s1, nullptr_t s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (const char *s1, const char *s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (nullptr_t s1, const wchar_t *s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (const wchar_t *s1, nullptr_t s2) noexcept |
constexpr int | Compare (const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_floating_point_v<T> | |
constexpr int | Compare (T v1, T v2) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_same_v<DateTime, std::remove_cvref_t<T>> || std::is_same_v<TimeSpan, std::remove_cvref_t<T>> || std::is_same_v<Currency, std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
constexpr int | Compare (T v1, T v2) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires ((std::is_same_v<Guid, std::remove_cvref_t<T1>> || std::is_same_v<GUID, std::remove_cvref_t<T1>> ) && ( std::is_same_v<Guid, std::remove_cvref_t<T2>> || std::is_same_v<GUID, std::remove_cvref_t<T2>> ) ) | |
constexpr int | Compare (const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) noexcept |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > requires requires( const T1& t1, const T2& t2 ) { { t1.compare( t2 ) } ->std::convertible_to<int>; } | |
int | Compare (const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) noexcept |
template<typename FirstT , typename SecondT > requires requires( FirstT f, SecondT s ) { { Compare( f, s ) } ->std::convertible_to<int>; } | |
int | Compare (const FirstT *first, size_t firstLength, const SecondT *second, size_t secondLength) |
template<typename FirstT , typename SecondT , typename ConversionFunc > requires requires( FirstT f, SecondT s, ConversionFunc func ) { { Compare( f, s ) } ->std::convertible_to<int>; { func(s) } ->std::convertible_to<FirstT>; } | |
int | Compare (const FirstT *first, size_t firstLength, const SecondT *second, size_t secondLength, ConversionFunc converter) |
template<typename FirstT , typename SecondT , typename CompareFunc > requires requires( FirstT f, SecondT s, CompareFunc func ) { { func( f, s ) } ->std::convertible_to<int>; } | |
int | CompareEx (const FirstT *first, size_t firstLength, const SecondT *second, size_t secondLength, CompareFunc compare) |
template<SimpleSpanLike T1, SimpleSpanLike T2, typename ConversionFunc > | |
int | Compare (const T1 &first, const T2 &second, ConversionFunc converter) |
template<SimpleSpanLike T1, SimpleSpanLike T2> requires (std::is_same_v< typename T1::value_type, typename T2::value_type > && ( IsBasicString<T1> == false ) ) | |
int | Compare (const T1 &first, const T2 &second) |
template<typename T > requires std::is_floating_point_v<T> | |
constexpr bool | AreNearlyEqual (T a, T b, T smallNumber=static_cast< T >(0.0001)) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires IsInteger<T> | |
constexpr bool | IsPowerOfTwo (T v) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires IsInteger<T> | |
constexpr bool | IsPowerOf2 (T v) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_enum_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
constexpr bool | IsPowerOfTwo (T v) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_enum_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
constexpr bool | IsPowerOf2 (T v) noexcept |
constexpr Byte | NextPowerOfTwo (Byte v) noexcept |
constexpr SByte | NextPowerOfTwo (SByte v) noexcept |
constexpr Int16 | NextPowerOfTwo (Int16 v) noexcept |
constexpr UInt16 | NextPowerOfTwo (UInt16 v) noexcept |
constexpr Int32 | NextPowerOfTwo (Int32 v) noexcept |
constexpr UInt32 | NextPowerOfTwo (UInt32 v) noexcept |
constexpr Int64 | NextPowerOfTwo (Int64 v) noexcept |
constexpr UInt64 | NextPowerOfTwo (UInt64 v) noexcept |
template<typename CharType > | |
bool | HexToBinary (CharType c, Byte &result) |
template<typename CharType > | |
bool | HexToBinary (const CharType *text, size_t textLength, std::vector< Byte > &result) |
template<typename PointerT > | |
constexpr auto | UnwrapPointer (const PointerT &pointer) noexcept |
Extracts a plain pointer from a smart pointer. | |
template<typename PointerT > | |
constexpr auto | UnwrapPointer (PointerT &pointer) noexcept |
Extracts a plain pointer from a smart pointer. | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T * | UnwrapPointer (T *pointer) noexcept |
ensure no conversion for regular pointers | |
template<typename PointerT , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_pointer_v< PointerT >, int > = 0> | |
constexpr PointerT | WrapPointer (typename std::pointer_traits< PointerT >::element_type *pointer) noexcept |
template<typename PointerT , std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< PointerT >, int > = 0> | |
constexpr PointerT | WrapPointer (PointerT pointer) noexcept |
ensure no conversion for regular pointers | |
template<SimpleComLike T, typename... Args> | |
ReferenceCountedPtr< T > | MakeReferenceCounted (Args &&... args) |
template<SimpleComLike T> | |
ReferenceCountedPtr< T > | WrapReferenceCounted (T *ptr, bool addRef=false) |
template<typename Fn > | |
Internal::FinallyImpl< Fn > | Finally (Fn &&Func) |
PageFlags | GetPageFlags (MemoryMappedFileAccess access) |
DWORD | GetFileMapAccess (MemoryMappedFileAccess access) |
IO::FileSystemRights | GetFileSystemRights (MemoryMappedFileAccess access) |
IO::FileAccess | GetFileAccess (MemoryMappedFileAccess access) |
PageFlags | GetPageAccess (MemoryMappedFileAccess access) |
WideString | ToWideString (const DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
bool | TryParse (const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t **end, DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
bool | TryParse (const wchar_t *str, DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
bool | TryParse (const char *str, const char **end, DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
bool | TryParse (const char *str, DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, DL_EUI48 *ethernetAddress) |
WideString | ToWideString (const in_addr *addr) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const wchar_t *str, bool strict, const wchar_t **end, in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const wchar_t *str, const wchar_t **end, in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const wchar_t *str, in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const char *str, bool strict, const char **end, in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const char *str, const char **end, in_addr *addr) |
bool | TryParse (const char *str, in_addr *addr) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, in_addr *addr) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, typename StringT::size_type &end, in_addr *addr) |
WideString | ToWideString (const in_addr *addr, UInt16 port) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const in_addr *addr, UInt16 port) |
WideString | ToWideString (const in6_addr *addr, UInt32 scopeId, UInt16 port) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const in6_addr *addr, UInt32 scopeId, UInt16 port) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceAccessRights value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceAccessRights value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceStartType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceStartType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceEnumerationState value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceEnumerationState value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceState value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceState value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControl value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControl value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControlAccepted value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::ServiceControlAccepted value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::DeviceEventType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::DeviceEventType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::PowerEventType value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Services::PowerEventType value, const WideString &defaultResult) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceAccessRights value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceAccessRights value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceAccessRights &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceAccessRights, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceAccessRights, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceStartType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceStartType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceStartType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceStartType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceStartType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceEnumerationState value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceEnumerationState value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceEnumerationState &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceEnumerationState, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceEnumerationState, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceState value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceState value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceState &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceState, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceState, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControl value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControl value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceControl &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControl, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControl, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControlAccepted value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::ServiceControlAccepted value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::ServiceControlAccepted &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControlAccepted, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::ServiceControlAccepted, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::DeviceEventType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::DeviceEventType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::DeviceEventType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::DeviceEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::DeviceEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::PowerEventType value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Services::PowerEventType value, const AnsiString &defaultResult) |
template<typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Services::PowerEventType &value) |
template<typename T , typename StringT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::PowerEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<StringT, WideString> || std::is_same_v<StringT, AnsiString> ) | |
T | Parse (const WideString &str) |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Services::PowerEventType, T> && ( std::is_same_v<CharT, wchar_t> || std::is_same_v<CharT, char> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
WideString | ToWideString (bool value) |
WideString | ToWideString (SByte value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (Byte value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (Int16 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (UInt16 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (Int32 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (UInt32 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (Int64 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideString (UInt64 value, int base) |
WideString | ToWideStringInvariant (Single value, int width, int precision) |
WideString | ToWideStringInvariant (Single value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Single value) |
WideString | ToWideString (Single value, int width, int precision) |
WideString | ToWideString (Single value, const std::locale &locale) |
WideString | ToWideString (Single value, int width, int precision, const std::locale &locale) |
WideString | ToWideString (Double value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const DateTime &value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const TimeSpan &value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const Guid &value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const Currency &value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const Variant &value) |
WideString | ToWideString (const FixedSizeMemoryManagerStatistics &statistics) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (bool value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (SByte value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Byte value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Int16 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (UInt16 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Int32 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (UInt32 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Int64 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (UInt64 value, int base) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Single value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiStringInvariant (Single value, int width, int precision) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiStringInvariant (Single value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Single value, int width, int precision) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Single value, const std::locale &locale) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Single value, int width, int precision, const std::locale &locale) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiStringInvariant (Double value, int width, int precision) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiStringInvariant (Double value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Double value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Double value, const std::locale &locale) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Double value, int width, int precision) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (Double value, int width, int precision, const std::locale &locale) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const DateTime &value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const TimeSpan &value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const Guid &value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const Currency &value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const Variant &value) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const FixedSizeMemoryManagerStatistics &statistics) |
bool | ParseBoolean (const wchar_t *str) noexcept |
bool | ParseBoolean (const char *str) noexcept |
bool | TryParseBoolean (const wchar_t *str, bool &value) noexcept |
bool | TryParseBoolean (const char *str, bool &value) noexcept |
Byte | ParseByte (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
Byte | ParseByte (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseByte (const wchar_t *str, Byte &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseByte (const char *str, Byte &value, int radix) noexcept |
SByte | ParseSByte (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
SByte | ParseSByte (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseSByte (const wchar_t *str, SByte &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseSByte (const char *str, SByte &value, int radix) noexcept |
Int16 | ParseInt16 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
Int16 | ParseInt16 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseInt16 (const wchar_t *str, Int16 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseInt16 (const char *str, Int16 &value, int radix) noexcept |
UInt16 | ParseUInt16 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
UInt16 | ParseUInt16 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseUInt16 (const wchar_t *str, UInt16 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseUInt16 (const char *str, UInt16 &value, int radix) noexcept |
Int32 | ParseInt32 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
Int32 | ParseInt32 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseInt32 (const wchar_t *str, Int32 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseInt32 (const char *str, Int32 &value, int radix) noexcept |
UInt32 | ParseUInt32 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
UInt32 | ParseUInt32 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseUInt32 (const wchar_t *str, UInt32 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseUInt32 (const char *str, UInt32 &value, int radix) noexcept |
Int64 | ParseInt64 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
Int64 | ParseInt64 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseInt64 (const wchar_t *str, Int64 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseInt64 (const char *str, Int64 &value, int radix) noexcept |
UInt64 | ParseUInt64 (const wchar_t *str, int radix) |
UInt64 | ParseUInt64 (const char *str, int radix) |
bool | TryParseUInt64 (const wchar_t *str, UInt64 &value, int radix) noexcept |
bool | TryParseUInt64 (const char *str, UInt64 &value, int radix) noexcept |
Single | ParseSingle (const wchar_t *str) |
Single | ParseSingle (const char *str) |
bool | TryParseSingle (const wchar_t *str, float &value) noexcept |
bool | TryParseSingle (const char *str, float &value) noexcept |
Single | ParseSingleInvariant (const wchar_t *str) |
Single | ParseSingleInvariant (const char *str) |
bool | TryParseSingleInvariant (const wchar_t *str, float &value) noexcept |
bool | TryParseSingleInvariant (const char *str, float &value) noexcept |
Double | ParseDouble (const wchar_t *str) |
Double | ParseDouble (const char *str) |
bool | TryParseDouble (const wchar_t *str, double &value) noexcept |
bool | TryParseDouble (const char *str, double &value) noexcept |
double | ParseDoubleInvariant (const wchar_t *str) |
double | ParseDoubleInvariant (const char *str) |
bool | TryParseDoubleInvariant (const wchar_t *str, double &value) noexcept |
bool | TryParseDoubleInvariant (const char *str, double &value) noexcept |
template<class CharT , class Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &os, const BasicString< CharT > &str) |
template<class CharT , class CharTraitsT > | |
std::basic_istream< CharT, CharTraitsT > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT, CharTraitsT > &inputStream, BasicString< CharT > &str) |
template<WideStringLike StringT> | |
void | ToWideString (const char *source, size_t length, unsigned codePage, unsigned flags, StringT &dest) |
template<WideStringLike StringT> | |
void | ToWideString (const char *source, size_t length, StringT &dest) |
template<AnsiStringLike AnsiStringT, WideStringLike WideStringT> | |
void | ToWideString (const AnsiStringT &source, WideStringT &dest) |
WideString | ToWideString (const std::string &source) |
WideString | ToWideString (const AnsiString &source) |
WideString | ToWideString (const std::string_view &source) |
WideString | ToWideString (const char *source) |
WideString | ToWideString (const wchar_t *source) |
template<AnsiStringLike StringT> | |
void | ToAnsiString (const wchar_t *source, size_t length, unsigned codePage, unsigned flags, StringT &dest) |
template<AnsiStringLike StringT> | |
void | ToAnsiString (const wchar_t *source, size_t length, StringT &dest) |
template<WideStringLike WideStringT, AnsiStringLike AnsiStringT> | |
void | ToAnsiString (const WideStringT &source, AnsiStringT &dest) |
template<AnsiStringLike AnsiStringT = AnsiString, WideStringLike WideStringT> | |
AnsiStringT | ToAnsiString (const WideStringT &source) |
void | ToAnsiString (const std::wstring_view &source, AnsiString &dest) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const std::wstring_view &source) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const wchar_t *source) |
template<AnsiStringLike StringT = AnsiString> | |
StringT | ToAnsiString (const wchar_t *source) |
template<AnsiStringLike StringT = AnsiString> | |
StringT | ToAnsiString (const char *source) |
AnsiString | ToAnsiString (const std::string &source) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | ParseBoolean (const StringT &str) noexcept |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseBoolean (const StringT &str, bool &value) noexcept |
template<typename T > requires std::is_same_v<char,T> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, T> | |
bool | TryParse (const T *str, bool &value) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, bool &value) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<bool,T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<bool, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Byte | ParseByte (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseByte (const StringT &str, Byte &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, Byte &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Byte &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Byte, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<Byte, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
SByte | ParseSByte (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseSByte (const StringT &str, SByte &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, SByte &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, SByte &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<SByte, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<SByte, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Int16 | ParseInt16 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseInt16 (const StringT &str, Int16 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, Int16 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Int16 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Int16, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<Int16, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
UInt16 | ParseUInt16 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseUInt16 (const StringT &str, UInt16 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, UInt16 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, UInt16 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<UInt16, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<UInt16, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Int32 | ParseInt32 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseInt32 (const StringT &str, Int32 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, Int32 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Int32 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Int32, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<Int32, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
UInt32 | ParseUInt32 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseUInt32 (const StringT &str, UInt32 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, UInt32 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, UInt32 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<UInt32, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<UInt32, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Int64 | ParseInt64 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseInt64 (const StringT &str, Int64 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, Int64 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, Int64 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<Int64, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<Int64, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
UInt64 | ParseUInt64 (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseUInt64 (const StringT &str, UInt64 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, UInt64 &value, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, UInt64 &value, int radix=10) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<UInt64, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str, int radix=10) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<UInt64, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str, int radix=10) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Single | ParseSingle (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseSingle (const StringT &str, float &value) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, float &value) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, float &value) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<float, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<float, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Single | ParseSingleInvariant (std::locale locale, const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseSingleInvariant (const StringT &str, float &value) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParseInvariant (const CharT *str, float &value) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseInvariant (const StringT &str, float &value) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<float, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | ParseInvariant (const CharT *str) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<float, T> | |
T | ParseInvariant (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Double | ParseDouble (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseDouble (const StringT &str, double &value) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParse (const CharT *str, double &value) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParse (const StringT &str, double &value) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<double, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | Parse (const CharT *str) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<double, T> | |
T | Parse (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
Double | ParseDoubleInvariant (const StringT &str) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseDoubleInvariant (const StringT &str, double &value) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> | |
bool | TryParseInvariant (const CharT *str, double &value) |
template<SimpleStringLike StringT> | |
bool | TryParseInvariant (const StringT &str, double &value) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename CharT > requires std::is_same_v<double, T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, CharT> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, CharT> ) | |
T | ParseInvariant (const CharT *str) |
template<typename T , SimpleStringLike StringT> requires std::is_same_v<double, T> | |
T | ParseInvariant (const StringT &str) |
bool | IsAlnum (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsAlnum (char c) |
bool | IsAlpha (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsAlpha (char c) |
bool | IsBlank (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsBlank (char c) |
bool | IsCntrl (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsCntrl (char c) |
bool | IsDigit (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsDigit (char c) |
bool | IsGraph (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsGraph (char c) |
bool | IsLower (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsLower (char c) |
bool | IsPrint (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsPrint (char c) |
bool | IsPunct (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsPunct (char c) |
bool | IsSpace (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsSpace (char c) |
bool | IsUpper (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsUpper (char c) |
bool | IsXDigit (wchar_t c) |
bool | IsXDigit (char c) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | TrimTrailing (const T &str, bool(testFunction)(typename T::value_type c)) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | TrimTrailing (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | Trim (const T &str, bool(testFunction)(typename T::value_type c)) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | Trim (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | TrimLeading (const T &str, bool(testFunction)(typename T::value_type c)) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsStdBasicStringView<T> || IsBasicString<T> || IsBasicStringView<T> ) | |
T | TrimLeading (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> || IsBasicString<T> ) | |
T | Strip (const T &str, bool(testFunction)(typename T::value_type c)) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> ) | |
T | ToLower (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsBasicString<T> ) | |
T | ToLower (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsStdBasicString<T> ) | |
T | ToUpper (const T &str) |
template<typename T > requires ( IsBasicString<T> ) | |
T | ToUpper (const T &str) |
template<SimpleCharSpanLike SpanT> | |
bool | StartsWith (const SpanT &span, typename SpanT::value_type value) |
template<SimpleCharSpanLike SpanT> | |
bool | EndsWith (const SpanT &span, typename SpanT::value_type value) |
AnsiString | FormatV (const std::string_view fmt, const std::format_args args) |
WideString | FormatV (const std::wstring_view fmt, const std::wformat_args args) |
AnsiString | FormatV (const std::locale &locale, const std::string_view fmt, const std::format_args args) |
WideString | FormatV (const std::locale &locale, const std::wstring_view fmt, const std::wformat_args args) |
template<class... Types> | |
AnsiString | Format (const std::format_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
WideString | Format (const std::wformat_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
AnsiString | Format (const std::locale &locale, const std::format_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
WideString | Format (const std::locale &locale, const std::wformat_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
void | PrintLn (const std::format_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
void | PrintLn (const std::wformat_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
void | PrintLn (const std::locale &locale, const std::format_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
template<class... Types> | |
void | PrintLn (const std::locale &locale, const std::wformat_string< Types... > fmt, Types &&... args) |
HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS (SynchronizationBarrierFlags, UInt32) | |
template<typename... Args> | |
Tuple (Args... args) -> Tuple< Args... > | |
template<typename... Args> | |
Tuple (const Tuple< Args... > &args) -> Tuple< Args... > | |
template<std::size_t index, typename... Args> | |
constexpr TupleElement_t< index, Args... > & | get (Tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
template<std::size_t index, typename... Args> | |
constexpr const TupleElement_t< index, Args... > & | get (const Tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
template<std::size_t index, typename... Args> | |
constexpr TupleElement_t< index, Args... > && | get (Tuple< Args... > &&tuple) |
template<std::size_t index, typename... Args> | |
constexpr const TupleElement_t< index, Args... > && | get (const Tuple< Args... > &&tuple) |
template<class CallableT , class TupleT > | |
constexpr decltype(auto) | Apply (CallableT &&callable, TupleT &&tuple) |
template<class... Args> | |
constexpr Tuple< Internal::ToReferenceIfReferenceWrapper_t< Args >... > | MakeTuple (Args &&... args) |
Creates a Tuple from the arguments. | |
template<class... Args> | |
constexpr Tuple< Args &... > | Tie (Args &... args) noexcept |
Creates a Tuple of references from arguments. | |
template<class... Args> | |
constexpr Tuple< Args &&... > | ForwardAsTuple (Args &&... args) noexcept |
template<typename... Tuples> | |
constexpr Core::Internal::TupleCatTraits< Tuples... >::type | TupleCat (Tuples &&... tuples) |
HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS (VariantType, unsigned short) | |
template<typename It > requires IsIterator_v<It> | |
Vector (It, It) -> Vector< IteratorValue_t< It > > | |
Variables | ||
constexpr UInt64 | MaxOneByteValue = 0x7FULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxTwoByteValue = 0x3FFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxThreeByteValue = 0x1FFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxFourByteValue = 0xFFFFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxFiveByteValue = 0x7FFFFFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxSixByteValue = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxSevenByteValue = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxEightByteValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxNineByteValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL | |
template<UInt64 N> | ||
constexpr size_t | SizeOf7BitEncoded_v = SizeOf7BitEncodedValue( N ) | |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit unsigned integer. | ||
static UInt64 | applicationThreadId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | |
static UInt64 | mainThreadId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF | |
union { | ||
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::dword_table [16][256] | ||
uint64_t Harlinn::Common::Core::qword_array [2048] | ||
} | table | |
union { | ||
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::dword_table [4][256] | ||
uint64_t Harlinn::Common::Core::qword_array [512] | ||
} | long_shifts | |
union { | ||
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::dword_table [4][256] | ||
uint64_t Harlinn::Common::Core::qword_array [512] | ||
} | short_shifts | |
uint32_t(* | crc32cImpl )(const uint8_t *, size_t, uint32_t) = crc32c_sw | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsCurrency = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, Currency> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsTimeSpan = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, TimeSpan> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsDateTime = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, DateTime> | |
constexpr UInt8 | MaxUInt8 = ( (UInt8)~( (UInt8)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Int8 | MaxInt8 = ( (Int8)( MaxUInt8 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Int8 | MinInt8 = ( (Int8)~MaxInt8 ) | |
constexpr UInt16 | MaxUInt16 = ( (UInt16)~( (UInt16)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Int16 | MaxInt16 = ( (Int16)( MaxUInt16 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Int16 | MinInt16 = ( (Int16)~MaxInt16 ) | |
constexpr UInt32 | MaxUInt32 = ( (UInt32)~( (UInt32)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Int32 | MaxInt32 = ( (Int32)( MaxUInt32 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Int32 | MinInt32 = ( (Int32)~MaxInt32 ) | |
constexpr UInt64 | MaxUInt64 = ( (UInt64)~( (UInt64)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Int64 | MaxInt64 = ( (Int64)( MaxUInt64 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Int64 | MinInt64 = ( (Int64)~MaxInt64 ) | |
constexpr ULong32 | MaxULong32 = ( (ULong32)~( (ULong32)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Long32 | MaxLong32 = ( (Long32)( MaxULong32 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Long32 | MinLong32 = ( (Long32)~MaxLong32 ) | |
constexpr ULong64 | MaxULong64 = ( (ULong64)~( (ULong64)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Long64 | MaxLong64 = ( (Long64)( MaxULong64 >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Long64 | MinLong64 = ( (Long64)~MaxLong64 ) | |
constexpr ULongLong | MaxULongLong = ( (ULongLong)~( (ULongLong)0 ) ) | |
constexpr LongLong | MaxLongLong = ( (LongLong)( MaxULongLong >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr LongLong | MinLongLong = ( (LongLong)~MaxLongLong ) | |
constexpr SizeT | MaxSizeT = ( (SizeT)~( (SizeT)0 ) ) | |
constexpr SSizeT | MaxSSizeT = ( (SSizeT)( MaxSizeT >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr SSizeT | MinSSizeT = ( (SSizeT)~MaxSSizeT ) | |
constexpr UInt | MaxUInt = ( (UInt)~( (UInt)0 ) ) | |
constexpr Int | MaxInt = ( (Int)( MaxUInt >> 1 ) ) | |
constexpr Int | MinInt = ( (Int)~MaxInt ) | |
constexpr DWord32 | MaxDWord32 = ( (DWord32)~( (DWord32)0 ) ) | |
constexpr DWord64 | MaxDWord64 = ( (DWord64)~( (DWord64)0 ) ) | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | False_v = false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | True_v = true | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsGuid = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, Guid> | |
template<size_t N> | ||
constexpr auto | BitMask_v = BitMask<N>::value | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsGUID = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, GUID> | |
template<class , template< class... > class> | ||
constexpr bool | IsSpecializationOf = false | |
template<template< class... > class T, class... Args> | ||
constexpr bool | IsSpecializationOf< T< Args... >, T > = true | |
template<typename Type , typename... TypeList> | ||
constexpr bool | IsAnyOf_v = IsAnyOf<Type, TypeList...>::value | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsPointer = std::is_same_v< std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_volatile_t<T>>>, std::remove_pointer_t<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_volatile_t<T>>>>> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsConst = std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_volatile_t<T>>, std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_volatile_t<T>>>> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsVolatile = std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_const_t<T>>, std::remove_volatile_t<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_const_t<T>>>> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsReference = std::is_same_v< std::remove_volatile_t<std::remove_const_t<T>> , std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_volatile_t<std::remove_const_t<T>>>> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsArray = std::is_array_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdArray = Core::Internal::IsStdArrayImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdVector = Core::Internal::IsStdVectorImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdVectorBool = Core::Internal::IsStdVectorBoolImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdDeque = Core::Internal::IsStdDequeImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdForwardList = Core::Internal::IsStdForwardListImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdList = Core::Internal::IsStdListImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdSet = Core::Internal::IsStdSetImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdMap = Core::Internal::IsStdMapImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdMultiset = Core::Internal::IsStdMultisetImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdMultimap = Core::Internal::IsStdMultimapImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdUnorderedSet = Core::Internal::IsStdUnorderedSetImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdUnorderedMap = Core::Internal::IsStdUnorderedMapImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdUnorderedMultiset = Core::Internal::IsStdUnorderedMultisetImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdUnorderedMultimap = Core::Internal::IsStdUnorderedMultimapImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdStack = Core::Internal::IsStdStackImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdQueue = Core::Internal::IsStdQueueImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdPriorityQueue = Core::Internal::IsStdPriorityQueueImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdSpan = Core::Internal::IsStdSpanImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdBasicString = Core::Internal::IsStdBasicStringImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsBasicString = Core::Internal::IsBasicStringImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdBasicStringView = Core::Internal::IsStdBasicStringViewImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsBasicStringView = Core::Internal::IsBasicStringViewImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsCoreByteArray = Core::Internal::IsCoreByteArrayImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsCoreVector = Core::Internal::IsCoreVectorImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsContainer | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsArrayContainer = IsStdArray<T> || IsCoreByteArray<T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsVectorContainer = IsStdVector<T> || IsCoreVector<T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdOptional = Core::Internal::IsStdOptionalImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdAny = Core::Internal::IsStdAnyImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdSharedPtr = Core::Internal::IsStdSharedPtrImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdUniquePtr = Core::Internal::IsStdUniquePtrImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdPair = Core::Internal::IsStdPairImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdTuple = Core::Internal::IsStdTupleImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdVariant = Core::Internal::IsStdVariantImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsCoreTuple = Core::Internal::IsCoreTupleImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsTupleType = IsStdPair<T> || IsStdTuple<T> || IsCoreTuple<T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsBasicType = Core::Internal::IsBasicTypeImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsString = std::is_pointer_v<T> && ( std::is_same_v<char, std::remove_cvref_t< std::remove_pointer_t<T>>> || std::is_same_v<wchar_t, std::remove_cvref_t< std::remove_pointer_t<T>>> ) | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsCharString = std::is_pointer_v<T> && std::is_same_v<char, std::remove_cvref_t< std::remove_pointer_t<T>>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsWideCharString = std::is_pointer_v<T> && std::is_same_v<wchar_t, std::remove_cvref_t< std::remove_pointer_t<T>>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsTypeList = Core::Internal::IsTypeListImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsNotBoolean = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, bool> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsBoolean = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, bool> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsInteger = std::is_integral_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> && IsBoolean<T> == false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsSignedInteger = IsInteger<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> && std::is_signed_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsUnsignedInteger = IsInteger<T> && std::is_unsigned_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsFloatingPoint = std::is_floating_point_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr std::remove_cvref_t< T > | SignMask | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt32 | SignMask< float > = 0x80000000UL | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt64 | SignMask< double > = 0x8000000000000000ULL | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr T | ValueMask = ~SignMask<T> | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt32 | ValueMask< float > = 0x7FFFFFFFUL | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt64 | ValueMask< double > = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsStdComplex = Core::Internal::IsStdComplexImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> | |
template<typename T , typename U = MakeUnsigned< std::remove_cvref_t<T> >> | ||
constexpr U | FractionMask = std::numeric_limits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::max( ) | |
template<typename T , typename U = MakeUnsigned< std::remove_cvref_t<T> >> | ||
constexpr U | ExponentMask = 0 | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt32 | FractionMask< float, UInt32 > = std::bit_cast<UInt32>( 0b00000000011111111111111111111111 ) | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt32 | ExponentMask< float, UInt32 > = std::bit_cast<UInt32>( 0b01111111100000000000000000000000 ) | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt64 | FractionMask< double, UInt64 > = std::bit_cast<UInt64>( 0b0000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ) | |
template<> | ||
constexpr UInt64 | ExponentMask< double, UInt64 > = std::bit_cast<UInt64>( 0b0111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ) | |
template<typename ty1 , typename ty2 > | ||
constexpr bool | size_is_greater_or_equal = sizeof( ty1 ) >= sizeof( ty2 ) ? true : false | |
template<typename ty1 , typename ty2 > | ||
constexpr bool | size_is_greater = sizeof( ty1 ) > sizeof( ty2 ) ? true : false | |
template<typename ty1 , typename ty2 > | ||
constexpr bool | size_is_less = sizeof( ty1 ) < sizeof( ty2 ) ? true : false | |
template<typename ty1 , typename ty2 > | ||
constexpr bool | size_is_less_or_equal = sizeof( ty1 ) <= sizeof( ty2 ) ? true : false | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsAnsiString = std::is_base_of_v<AnsiString,T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsWideString = std::is_base_of_v<WideString, T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsAnsiStringView = std::is_base_of_v<AnsiStringView, T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsWideStringView = std::is_base_of_v<WideStringView, T> | |
template<typename T > | ||
constexpr bool | IsNotString = IsAnsiString<T> == false && IsWideString<T> == false | |
template<class It , class = void> | ||
constexpr bool | IsIterator_v = false | |
template<class It > | ||
constexpr bool | IsInputIterator_v = std::is_convertible_v<IteratorCategory_t<It>, std::input_iterator_tag> | |
template<class It > | ||
constexpr bool | IsForwardIterator_v = std::is_convertible_v<IteratorCategory_t<It>, std::forward_iterator_tag> | |
template<class It > | ||
constexpr bool | IsBidirectionalIterator_v = std::is_convertible_v<IteratorCategory_t<It>, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> | |
template<class It > | ||
constexpr bool | IsRandomAccessIterator_v = std::is_convertible_v<IteratorCategory_t<It>, std::random_access_iterator_tag> | |
template<class It > | ||
constexpr bool | IsContiguousIterator_v = std::is_convertible_v<IteratorCategory_t<It>, std::contiguous_iterator_tag> | |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::AnsiString = BasicString<char> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::AnsiStringView = BasicStringView<char> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ApplicationMessage = Concurrency::Messages::Message<ApplicationMessageType> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ApplicationStopMessage = SimpleApplicationMessage<ApplicationMessageType::Stop> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ApplicationThreadAttachedMessage = SimpleApplicationValueMessage<UInt32, ApplicationMessageType::ThreadAttached> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ApplicationThreadDetachedMessage = SimpleApplicationValueMessage<UInt32, ApplicationMessageType::ThreadDetached> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::BitMask_t = typename BitMask<N>::type |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Boolean = bool |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Byte = unsigned char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Char = char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Char16 = wchar_t |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Char32 = UInt32 |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Char8 = char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Double = double |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::DWord = unsigned long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::DWord32 = unsigned long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::DWord64 = unsigned long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ElementTypeOf = std::remove_reference_t<decltype( *std::begin( std::declval<T&>( ) ) )> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::FixedAnsiString = FixedString<char, maxSize> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::FixedWideString = FixedString<wchar_t, maxSize> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Int = int |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Int16 = short |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Int32 = int |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Int64 = long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Int8 = signed char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::IsAnyOf = std::disjunction<std::is_same<Type, TypeList>...> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::IteratorCategory_t = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::IteratorValue_t = std::iter_value_t<It> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Long32 = long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Long64 = long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::LongLong = long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::MakeUnsigned = typename Internal::MakeUnsignedHelper< sizeof(T) >::Type |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Nullable = std::optional<T> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::PropertyPageIds = std::vector<Guid> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::SByte = signed char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::SimpleApplicationMessage = Concurrency::Messages::SimpleMessage<ApplicationMessageType, messageId> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::SimpleApplicationValueMessage = Concurrency::Messages::SimpleValueMessage<ValueT, ApplicationMessageType, messageId> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::Single = float |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::SizeT = size_t |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ssize_t = std::make_signed_t<size_t> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::SSizeT = ssize_t |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::TupleElement_t = typename TupleElement<index, Args...>::type |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::TypeList = Meta::List<Types...> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::UInt = unsigned int |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::uint = unsigned int |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::UInt16 = unsigned short |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::UInt32 = unsigned int |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::UInt64 = unsigned long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::UInt8 = unsigned char |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ULong32 = unsigned long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ULong64 = unsigned long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ULongLong = unsigned long long |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::ushort = unsigned short |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::WideChar = wchar_t |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::WideString = BasicString<wchar_t> |
using Harlinn::Common::Core::WideStringView = BasicStringView<wchar_t> |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
NoAccess | Disables all access to the committed region of pages. An attempt to read from, write to, or execute the committed region results in an access violation. This flag is not supported by the CreateFileMapping function. |
Readonly | Enables read-only access to the committed region of pages. An attempt to write to the committed region results in an access violation. If Data Execution Prevention is enabled, an attempt to execute code in the committed region results in an access violation. |
ReadWrite | |
WriteCopy | |
Execute | Enables execute access to the committed region of pages. An attempt to write to the committed region results in an access violation. This flag is not supported by the CreateFileMapping function. |
ExecuteRead | Enables execute or read-only access to the committed region of pages. An attempt to write to the committed region results in an access violation. |
ExecuteReadWrite | Enables execute, read-only, or read/write access to the committed region of pages. |
ExecuteWriteCopy | Enables execute, read-only, or copy-on-write access to a mapped view of a file mapping object. An attempt to write to a committed copy-on-write page results in a private copy of the page being made for the process. The private page is marked as ExecuteReadWrite, and the change is written to the new page. This flag is not supported by the VirtualAlloc or VirtualAllocEx functions. |
Guard | Pages in the region become guard pages. Any attempt to access a guard page causes the system to raise a STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION exception and turn off the guard page status. Guard pages thus act as a one-time access alarm. When an access attempt leads the system to turn off guard page status, the underlying page protection takes over. If a guard page exception occurs during a system service, the service typically returns a failure status indicator. This value cannot be used with NoAccess. This flag is not supported by the CreateFileMapping function. |
NoCache | Sets all pages to be non-cachable. Applications should not use this attribute except when explicitly required for a device. Using the interlocked functions with memory that is mapped with SEC_NOCACHE can result in an EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception. The NoCache flag cannot be used with the Guard, NoAccess, or WriteCombine flags. The NoCache flag can be used only when allocating private memory with the VirtualAlloc, VirtualAllocEx, or VirtualAllocExNuma functions. To enable non-cached memory access for shared memory, specify the SEC_NOCACHE flag when calling the CreateFileMapping function. |
WriteCombine | Sets all pages to be write-combined. Applications should not use this attribute except when explicitly required for a device.Using the interlocked functions with memory that is mapped as write - combined can result in an EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception. The PAGE_WRITECOMBINE flag cannot be specified with the PAGE_NOACCESS, PAGE_GUARD, and PAGE_NOCACHE flags. The PAGE_WRITECOMBINE flag can be used only when allocating private memory with the VirtualAlloc, VirtualAllocEx, or VirtualAllocExNuma functions.To enable write - combined memory access for shared memory, specify the SEC_WRITECOMBINE flag when calling the CreateFileMapping function. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Flags that control the behavior of threads that enter a barrier.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Success | |
NoError | |
InvalidFunction | Incorrect function. |
FileNotFound | The system cannot find the file specified. |
PathNotFound | The system cannot find the path specified. |
TooManyOpenFiles | The system cannot open the file. |
AccessDenied | Access is denied. |
InvalidHandle | The handle is invalid. |
ArenaTrashed | The storage control blocks were destroyed. |
NotEnoughMemory | Not enough memory resources are available to process this command. |
InvalidBlock | The storage control block address is invalid. |
BadEnvironment | The environment is incorrect. |
BadFormat | An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. |
InvalidAccess | The access code is invalid. |
InvalidData | The data is invalid. |
OutOfMemory | Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation. |
InvalidDrive | The system cannot find the drive specified. |
CurrentDirectory | The directory cannot be removed. |
NotSameDevice | The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive. |
NoMoreFiles | There are no more files. |
WriteProtect | The media is write protected. |
BadUnit | The system cannot find the device specified. |
NotReady | The device is not ready. |
BadCommand | The device does not recognize the command. |
CyclicRedundancyCheck | Data error (cyclic redundancy check). |
BadLength | The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. |
Seek | The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. |
NotDosDisk | The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed. |
SectorNotFound | The drive cannot find the sector requested. |
OutOfPaper | The printer is out of paper. |
WriteFault | The system cannot write to the specified device. |
ReadFault | The system cannot read from the specified device. |
Failure | A device attached to the system is not functioning. |
SharingViolation | The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. |
LockViolation | The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. |
WrongDisk | The wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1. |
SharingBufferExceeded | Too many files opened for sharing. |
HandleEndOfFile | Reached the end of the file. |
HandleDiskFull | The disk is full. |
NotSupported | The request is not supported. |
RemNotList | Windows cannot find the network path. Verify that the network path is correct and the destination computer is not busy or turned off. If Windows still cannot find the network path, contact your network administrator. |
DuplicateName | You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. If joining a domain, go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again. If joining a workgroup, choose another workgroup name. |
BadNetworkPath | The network path was not found. |
NetworkBusy | The network is busy. |
DeviceNotExist | The specified network resource or device is no longer available. |
TooManyCommands | The network BIOS command limit has been reached. |
AdapterHardwareError | A network adapter hardware error occurred. |
BadNetworkResponse | The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. |
UnexpectedNetworkError | An unexpected network error occurred. |
BadRemoteAdapter | The remote adapter is not compatible. |
PrinterQueueIsFull | The printer queue is full. |
NoSpoolSpace | Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server. |
PrintCancelled | Your file waiting to be printed was deleted. |
NetworkNameDeleted | The specified network name is no longer available. |
NetworkAccessDenied | Network access is denied. |
BadDeviceType | The network resource type is not correct. |
BadNetworkName | The network name cannot be found. |
TooManyNames | The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded. |
TooManySessions | The network BIOS session limit was exceeded. |
SharingPaused | The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started. |
RequestNotAccepted | No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. |
RedirectPaused | The specified printer or disk device has been paused. |
FileExists | The file exists. |
CannotMake | The directory or file cannot be created. |
Int24Failure | Fail on INT 24. |
OutOfStructures | Storage to process this request is not available. |
AlreadyAssigned | The local device name is already in use. |
InvalidPassword | The specified network password is not correct. |
InvalidParameter | The parameter is incorrect. |
NetworkWriteFault | A write fault occurred on the network. |
NoProcessSlots | The system cannot start another process at this time. |
TooManySemaphores | Cannot create another system semaphore. |
ExclusiveSemaphoreAlreadyOwned | The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process. |
SemaphoreIsSet | The semaphore is set and cannot be closed. |
TooManySemaphoreRequests | The semaphore cannot be set again. |
InvalidAtInterruptTime | Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time. |
SemaphoreOwnerDied | The previous ownership of this semaphore has ended. |
SemaphoreUserLimit | |
DiskChange | The program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted. |
DriveLocked | The disk is in use or locked by another process. |
BrokenPipe | The pipe has been ended. |
OpenFailed | The system cannot open the device or file specified. |
BufferOverflow | The file name is too long. |
DiskFull | There is not enough space on the disk. |
NoMoreSearchHandles | No more internal file identifiers available. |
InvalidTargetHandle | The target internal file identifier is incorrect. |
InvalidCategory | The IOCTL call made by the application program is not correct. |
InvalidVerifySwitch | The verify-on-write switch parameter value is not correct. |
BadDriverLevel | The system does not support the command requested. |
CallNotImplemented | This function is not supported on this system. |
SemaphoreTimeout | The semaphore timeout period has expired. |
InsufficientBuffer | The data area passed to a system call is too small. |
InvalidName | The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. |
InvalidLevel | The system call level is not correct. |
NoVolumeLabel | The disk has no volume label. |
ModuleNotFound | The specified module could not be found. |
ProcedureNotFound | The specified procedure could not be found. |
WaitNoChildren | There are no child processes to wait for. |
ChildNotComplete | The %1 application cannot be run in Win32 mode. |
DirectAccessHandle | Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/O. |
NegativeSeek | An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file. |
SeekOnDevice | The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file. |
IsJoinTarget | A JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives. |
IsJoined | An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined. |
IsSubsted | An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted. |
NotJoined | The system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined. |
NotSubsted | The system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted. |
JoinToJoin | The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive. |
SubstToSubst | The system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. |
JoinToSubst | The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. |
SubstToJoin | The system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive. |
BusyDrive | The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time. |
SameDrive | The system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive. |
DirectoryNotRoot | The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. |
DirectoryNotEmpty | The directory is not empty. |
IsSubstPath | The path specified is being used in a substitute. |
IsJoinPath | Not enough resources are available to process this command. |
PathBusy | The path specified cannot be used at this time. |
IsSubstTarget | An attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute. |
SystemTrace | System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed. |
InvalidEventCount | The number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct. |
TooManyMuxWaiters | DosMuxSemWait did not execute; too many semaphores are already set. |
InvalidListFormat | The DosMuxSemWait list is not correct. |
LabelTooLong | The volume label you entered exceeds the label character limit of the target file system. |
TooManyThreadControlBlocks | Cannot create another thread. |
SignalRefused | The recipient process has refused the signal. |
Discarded | The segment is already discarded and cannot be locked. |
NotLocked | The segment is already unlocked. |
BadThreadIdAddress | The address for the thread ID is not correct. |
BadArguments | One or more arguments are not correct. |
BadPathname | The specified path is invalid. |
SignalPending | A signal is already pending. |
MaxThreadsReached | No more threads can be created in the system. |
LockFailed | Unable to lock a region of a file. |
Busy | The requested resource is in use. |
DeviceSupportInProgress | Device's command support detection is in progress. |
CancelViolation | A lock request was not outstanding for the supplied cancel region. |
AtomicLocksNotSupported | The file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type. |
InvalidSegmentNumber | The system detected a segment number that was not correct. |
InvalidOrdinal | The operating system cannot run %1. |
AlreadyExists | Cannot create a file when that file already exists. |
InvalidFlagNumber | The flag passed is not correct. |
SemaphoreNotFound | The specified system semaphore name was not found. |
InvalidStartingCodeSegment | The operating system cannot run %1. |
InvalidStackSegment | The operating system cannot run %1. |
InvalidModuleType | The operating system cannot run %1. |
InvalidExeSignature | Cannot run %1 in Win32 mode. |
ExeMarkedInvalid | The operating system cannot run %1. |
BadExeFormat | %1 is not a valid Win32 application. |
IteratedDataExceeds64k | The operating system cannot run %1. |
InvalidMinAllocSize | The operating system cannot run %1. |
DynlinkFromInvalidRing | The operating system cannot run this application program. |
IoplNotEnabled | The operating system is not presently configured to run this application. |
InvalidSegDpl | The operating system cannot run %1. |
AutoDataSegExceeds64k | The operating system cannot run this application program. |
Ring2SegMustBeMovable | The code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64K. |
RelocChainXeedsSegLim | The operating system cannot run %1. |
InfLoopInRelocChain | The operating system cannot run %1. |
EnvVarNotFound | The system could not find the environment option that was entered. |
NoSignalSent | No process in the command subtree has a signal handler. |
FilenameExcedRange | The filename or extension is too long. |
Ring2StackInUse | The ring 2 stack is in use. |
MetaExpansionTooLong | The global filename characters, * or ?, are entered incorrectly or too many global filename characters are specified. |
InvalidSignalNumber | The signal being posted is not correct. |
Thread1Inactive | The signal handler cannot be set. |
Locked | The segment is locked and cannot be reallocated. |
TooManyModules | Too many dynamic-link modules are attached to this program or dynamic-link module. |
NestingNotAllowed | Cannot nest calls to LoadModule. |
ExeMachineTypeMismatch | This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher. |
IoIncomplete | |
IoPending | |
OperationAborted | |
StatusCancelled | |
StatusLocalDisconnect | |
StatusRemoteDisconnect | |
WsaInterrupted | A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall. |
WsaBadFileHandle | The file handle supplied is not valid. |
WsaAccess | An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. |
WsaInvalidPointer | The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call. |
WsaInvalidArgument | An invalid argument was supplied. |
WsaToManyOpenSockets | Too many open sockets. |
WsaWouldBlock | A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. |
WsaInProgress | A blocking operation is currently executing. |
WsaAlready | An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress. |
WsaNotSocket | An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. |
WsaDestinationAddressRequired | A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket. |
WsaMessageSize | A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. |
WsaProtocolType | A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested. |
WsaInvalidProtocolOptionId | An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call. |
WsaProtocolNotSupported | The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists. |
WsaSocketTypeNotSupportedByAddressFamily | The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family. |
WsaOperationNotSupported | The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. |
WsaProtocolFamilyNotSupported | The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. |
WsaAddressIncompatibleWithProtocol | An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. |
WsaAddressInUse | Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. |
WsaAddressNotAvailable | The requested address is not valid in its context. |
WsaNetworkDown | A socket operation encountered a dead network. |
WsaNetworkUnreachable | A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network. |
WsaNetworkReset | The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress. |
WsaConnectionAborted | An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. |
WsaConnectionReset | An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. |
WsaNoBuffers | An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. |
WsaIsConnected | A connect request was made on an already connected socket. |
WsaNotConnected | A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. |
WsaShutdown | A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call. |
WsaTooManyReferences | Too many references to some kernel object. |
WsaTimedout | A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. |
WsaConnectionRefused | No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. |
WsaLoop | Cannot translate name. An odd one ... perhaps it actually has a different meaning |
WsaNameTooLong | Name component or name was too long. |
WsaHostIsDown | A socket operation failed because the destination host was down. |
WsaHostUnreachable | A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. |
WsaNotEmpty | Cannot remove a directory that is not empty. |
WsaProcessLimit | A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously. |
WsaUsers | Ran out of quota. |
WsaDiskQuota | Ran out of disk quota. |
WsaStale | File handle reference is no longer available. |
WsaRemote | Item is not available locally. |
WsaSystemNotReady | WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. |
WsaVersionNotSupported | The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported. |
WsaNotInitialised | Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed. |
WsaDisconnected | Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence. |
WsaNoMore | No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext. |
WsaNoMore2 | |
WsaCancelled | A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled. |
WsaCancelled2 | A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled. |
WsaInvalidProcedureCallTable | The procedure call table is invalid. |
WsaInvalidServiceProvider | The requested service provider is invalid. |
WsaProviderInitializationFailed | The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized. |
WsaSystemCallFailure | A system call has failed. |
WsaServiceNotFound | No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space. |
WsaTypeNotFound | The specified class was not found. |
WsaRefused | A database query failed because it was actively refused. |
WsaHostNotFound | No such host is known. |
WsaTryAgain | This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. |
WsaNoRecovery | A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. |
WsaNoData | The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. |
Harlinn::Common::Core::__declspec | ( | thread | ) | = { 0, } |
inline |
Calculates the number of bytes between the argument address
and an address that is aligned on an N
byte boundary greater, or equal, to address
N |
address |
inline |
Calculates the address that is aligned on an N
byte boundary greater, or equal, to address
N | The requested alignment. |
address | The address to calculate the alignment for. |
inline |
Calculates the address that is aligned on an N
byte boundary greater, or equal, to address
N | The requested alignment. |
address | The address to calculate the alignment for. |
constexpr |
constexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexpr |
Extracts the value of a bit at a bit index from an integer value.
BitsT | A signed or unsigned integer type. |
bits | The integer value |
startIndex | 0 based index of the bit to extract, where 0 is the index of the least significant bit. |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
Harlinn::Common::Core::ByteArray | ( | Args... | ) | -> ByteArray< Internal::_ByteSizeOf_v< Args... > > |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the bytes of a floating point value, or an enum.
T | A floating point type, or an enum type. |
value | The value. |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::CheckHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::CheckHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult, |
const wchar_t * | function, | ||
const wchar_t * | filename, | ||
int | lineNumber ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::CheckHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult, |
IUnknown * | itf ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::CheckHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult, |
IUnknown * | itf, | ||
const wchar_t * | function, | ||
const wchar_t * | filename, | ||
int | lineNumber ) |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
A ConvertTo template that performs no conversion since ResultType must be the same as ArgumentType.
ResultType | The type to convert to. |
ArgumentType | The type to convert from, must be of the same type as ResultType |
arg | The value to convert. |
inlineconstexpr |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from float to double.
ResultType | Must be double, the type to convert to. |
ArgumentType | Must be float, the type to convert from. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from double to float. Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the argument cannot safely be converted to a float.
ResultType | Must be float, the type to convert to. |
ArgumentType | Must be double, the type to convert from. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from any type for which there exists an overload of ToWideString, except for Variant and Currency, to WideString.
ResultType | Must be WideString. |
ArgumentType | Must be a type for which there exists an overload of ToWideString, except for Variant and Currency. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from any type for which there exists an overload of ToAnsiString, except for Variant and Currency, to AnsiString.
ResultType | Must be WideString. |
ArgumentType | Must be a type for which there exists an overload of ToAnsiString, except for Variant and Currency. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inlineconstexpr |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer or floating point type, but not bool, to a bool.
ResultType | Must be bool. |
ArgumentType | Must be an integer or floating point type, but not bool. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inlineconstexpr |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a bool to an integer or floating point type, but not a bool type.
ResultType | Must be an integer or floating point type, but not bool. |
ArgumentType | Must be bool. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Variant to a type for Which there exist a specialization of Variant::As<ResultType>.
ResultType | Must not be a Variant, and it must be a type for Which there exist a specialization of Variant::As<ResultType>. |
ArgumentType | Must be Variant. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from an integer type to another.
ResultType | Must be a smaller integer type than ArgumentType. |
ArgumentType | Must be a wider integer type than ResultType. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from an integer type to another integer type with the same signedness.
ResultType | Must be an integer type that is wider or equally sized to ArgumentType with the same signedness.. |
ArgumentType | Must be an integer type that is narrower or equally sized to ArgumentType with the same signedness. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from an unsigned integer type to a signed integer type.
ResultType | Must be a signed integer type that is narrower or equally sized to ArgumentType. |
ArgumentType | Must be a unsigned integer type that is wider or equally sized to ResultType. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from an unsigned integer type to a signed integer type.
ResultType | Must be a signed integer type that is wider than ArgumentType. |
ArgumentType | Must be an unsigned integer type that is narrower than ResultType. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a narrowing conversion from a signed integer type to an unsigned integer type.
ResultType | Must be an unsigned integer type that is narrower than ArgumentType. |
ArgumentType | Must be a signed integer type that is wider than ResultType. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs a widening conversion from a signed integer type to an unsigned integer type.
ResultType | Must be an unsigned integer type that is wider or equally sized to ArgumentType. |
ArgumentType | Must be a signed integer type that is narrower or equally sized to ResultType. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a floating point type to an integer type.
ResultType | Must be an integer. |
ArgumentType | Must be a floating point type. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a Currency value to an integer, floating point, AnsiString or WideString type.
ResultType | Must be an integer, floating point, AnsiString or WideString type. |
ArgumentType | Must be Currency. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept to a TimeSpan.
ResultType | Must be TimeSpan. |
ArgumentType | Must be a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept to a DateTime.
ResultType | Must be DateTime. |
ArgumentType | Must be a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a floating point type to a DateTime value.
ResultType | Must be DateTime. |
ArgumentType | Must be a floating point type. |
arg | The value to convert in number of days before or after midnight, 30 December 1899. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a DateTime value to a floating point type.
ResultType | Must be a floating point type. |
ArgumentType | Must be DateTime. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a TimeSpan value to DataTime value, or a conversion from a DataTime value to TimeSpan value.
ResultType | Must be TimeSpan if ArgumentType is DataTime, or DataTime if ArgumentType is TimeSpan. |
ArgumentType | Must be TimeSpan if ResultType is DataTime, or DataTime if ResultType is TimeSpan. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a c style zero terminated string value, or a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept, to a Guid.
ResultType | Must be Guid. |
ArgumentType | Must be convertible to const char* or const wchar_t* , or a type that matches the SimpleStringLike concept. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from an integer to a floating point value.
ResultType | Must be floating point type. |
ArgumentType | Must be an integer type. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inline |
A ConvertTo template that performs conversion from a type that satisfies the SimpleStringLike concept to a type for which there exist a Parse<> specialization that accepts the argument type.
ResultType | A type for which there exist a Parse<> specialization that accepts the argument type. |
ArgumentType | A type that satisfies the SimpleStringLike concept. |
arg | The value to convert. |
inlineconstexpr |
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32 | ( | const void * | buffer, |
size_t | bufferSize, | ||
uint32_t | crc = 0 ) |
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32c | ( | const uint8_t * | input, |
size_t | length, | ||
uint32_t | crc = 0 ) |
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32c_hw | ( | const uint8_t * | input, |
size_t | length, | ||
uint32_t | crc = 0 ) |
int Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32c_hw_available | ( | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32c_init | ( | ) |
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32c_sw | ( | const uint8_t * | input, |
size_t | length, | ||
uint32_t | crc = 0 ) |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Creates a bit-mask with all the bits - up to, and including, the bit at bitIndex.
bitIndex | The number of bits to set. The value of numberOfBitsToSet must be in the range [1,32] |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Creates a bit-mask.
bitIndex | The number of bits to set. The value of numberOfBitsToSet must be in the range [1,64] |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Extracts contiguous bits from value.
value | |
start | 0 based index of the least significant bit to extract. |
len | Number of bits to extract, |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Extracts contiguous bits from value.
value | |
start | 0 based index of the least significant bit to extract. |
len | Number of bits to extract, |
inline |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::FormatError | ( | DWORD | errorId | ) |
AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::FormatErrorA | ( | DWORD | errorId | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::FormatHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult | ) |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
nodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
HCC_EXPORT IO::FileAccess Harlinn::Common::Core::GetFileAccess | ( | MemoryMappedFileAccess | access | ) |
HCC_EXPORT DWORD Harlinn::Common::Core::GetFileMapAccess | ( | MemoryMappedFileAccess | access | ) |
HCC_EXPORT IO::FileSystemRights Harlinn::Common::Core::GetFileSystemRights | ( | MemoryMappedFileAccess | access | ) |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT PageFlags Harlinn::Common::Core::GetPageFlags | ( | MemoryMappedFileAccess | access | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | DropEffect | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | EventWaitHandleRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | FileMap | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MarshalFlags | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MemoryMappedFileOptions | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MemoryMappedFileRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | MutexRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | PageFlags | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | ProcessAccessRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | SectionFlags | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | SemaphoreRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | SynchronizationBarrierFlags | , |
UInt32 | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | ThreadAccessRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | ThreadModel | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | TimerQueueTimerFlags | , |
DWORD | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | VariantType | , |
unsigned short | ) |
Harlinn::Common::Core::HCC_DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS | ( | WaitableTimerRights | , |
DWORD | ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::HexToBinary | ( | CharType | c, |
Byte & | result ) |
inline |
HRESULT Harlinn::Common::Core::HRESULTFromException | ( | const std::exception & | exception | ) |
constexpr |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
constexpr |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
constexpr |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::LogStackTrace | ( | ) |
inline |
nodiscardconstexpr |
Creates a Tuple from the arguments.
constexpr |
Creates a bitmask with the N
left-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0.
T | An unsigned integral type. |
N | The number if rightmost bits to set. |
constexpr |
Creates a bitmask with the N
left-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1.
T | An unsigned integral type. |
N | The number if rightmost bits to clear. |
constexpr |
Creates a bitmask with the N
right-most bits set to 1, and all other bits set to 0.
T | An unsigned integral type. |
N | The number if rightmost bits to set. |
constexpr |
Creates a bitmask with the N
right-most bits set to 0, and all other bits set to 1.
T | An unsigned integral type. |
N | The number if rightmost bits to clear. |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenodiscard |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexprnoexcept |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Concatenation of arrays.
T | The element type |
N1 | The size of the lhs array |
N2 | The size of the rhs array |
lhs | The first array. |
rhs | The second array. |
constexprnoexcept |
inline |
std::ostream & Harlinn::Common::Core::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, |
const DateTime & | dateTime ) |
HCC_EXPORT std::ostream & Harlinn::Common::Core::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, |
const Guid & | guid ) |
HCC_EXPORT std::ostream & Harlinn::Common::Core::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, |
const TimeSpan & | timeSpan ) |
constexprnoexcept |
std::basic_istream< CharT, CharTraitsT > & Harlinn::Common::Core::operator>> | ( | std::basic_istream< CharT, CharTraitsT > & | inputStream, |
BasicString< CharT > & | str ) |
constexprnoexcept |
inline |
constexprnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
HCC_EXPORT Byte Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseByte | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Byte Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseByte | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT Double Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseDouble | ( | const char * | str | ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Double Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseDouble | ( | const wchar_t * | str | ) |
HCC_EXPORT Double Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseDoubleInvariant | ( | const char * | str | ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Double Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseDoubleInvariant | ( | const wchar_t * | str | ) |
HCC_EXPORT Int16 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt16 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Int16 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt16 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT Int32 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt32 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Int32 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt32 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT Int64 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt64 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Int64 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseInt64 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT SByte Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSByte | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT SByte Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSByte | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT Single Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSingle | ( | const char * | str | ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT Single Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSingle | ( | const wchar_t * | str | ) |
HCC_EXPORT Single Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSingleInvariant | ( | const char * | str | ) |
HCC_EXPORT Single Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseSingleInvariant | ( | const wchar_t * | str | ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT UInt16 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt16 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT UInt16 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt16 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT UInt32 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt32 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT UInt32 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt32 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
HCC_EXPORT UInt64 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt64 | ( | const char * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT UInt64 Harlinn::Common::Core::ParseUInt64 | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
int | radix ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 8-bit unsigned integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit char referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 8-bit char that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 16-bit signed integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 32-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 32-bit signed integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 64-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 64-bit signed integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 8-bit signed integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 8-bit signed integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 16-bit unsigned integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 32-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 32-bit unsigned integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 64-bit unsigned integer referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 64-bit unsigned integer that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reads a 7-bit encoded numer, located at offset in the buffer, decodes in and places the result into the 16-bit wchar_t referenced by resultValue.
buffer | A pointer to the buffer containing the 7-bit encoded number. |
offset | The offset into buffer of the start of the 7-bit encoded number. |
resultValue | A reference to the 16-bit wchar_t that receives the value of the 7-bit encoded number. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Decodes a 7-bit encoded numer by reading one byte at the time from the Reader object referenced by reader.
Reader | A type that reads one byte at the time from the underlying source and places the result in the referenced argument. |
reader | The reader object. |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ReportException | ( | const Exception & | exception, |
const wchar_t * | function, | ||
const wchar_t * | filename, | ||
int | lineNumber ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ReportException | ( | const std::exception & | exception, |
const wchar_t * | function, | ||
const wchar_t * | filename, | ||
int | lineNumber ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ReportUnknownException | ( | const wchar_t * | function, |
const wchar_t * | filename, | ||
int | lineNumber ) |
Reverses the order of the bits of a byte.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a char.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a double.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a float.
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int16.
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int32.
Reverses the order of the bits of an Int64.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of a long.
Reverses the order of the bits of a SByte.
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt16.
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt32.
Reverses the order of the bits of an UInt64.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Reverses the order of the bits of an unsigned long.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlinestatic |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit unsigned integer.
value | The 8-bit unsigned integer. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit char.
value | The 8-bit char. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit signed integer.
value | The 16-bit signed integer. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 32-bit signed integer.
value | The 32-bit signed integer. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit signed integer.
value | The 64-bit signed integer. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 8-bit signed integer.
value | The 8-bit signed integer. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit unsigned integer.
value | The 16-bit unsigned integer. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 32-bit unsigned integer.
value | The 32-bit unsigned integer. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit unsigned integer.
value | The 64-bit unsigned integer. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 16-bit wchar_t.
value | The 16-bit wchar_t. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inline |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowHRESULT | ( | HRESULT | hresult | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowInvalidHandle | ( | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowLastOSError | ( | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowNoInterface | ( | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowNullReferenceException | ( | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowNullReferenceException | ( | const char * | message | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowNullReferenceException | ( | const wchar_t * | message | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowOSError | ( | DWORD | errorId | ) |
void Harlinn::Common::Core::ThrowPointerIsNULL | ( | ) |
nodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
Creates a Tuple of references from arguments.
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | bool | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Byte | value, |
int | base ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const Currency & | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const DateTime & | value | ) |
AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress | ) |
nodiscard |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const Guid & | value | ) |
AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const in6_addr * | addr, |
UInt32 | scopeId, | ||
UInt16 | port ) |
AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const in_addr * | addr | ) |
AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const in_addr * | addr, |
UInt16 | port ) |
inlinenodiscard |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const TimeSpan & | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | const Variant & | value | ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Double | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Double | value, |
const std::locale & | locale ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Double | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Double | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision, | ||
const std::locale & | locale ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Int16 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Int32 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Int64 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | SByte | value, |
int | base ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Single | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Single | value, |
const std::locale & | locale ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision, | ||
const std::locale & | locale ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | UInt16 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | UInt32 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiString | ( | UInt64 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiStringInvariant | ( | Double | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiStringInvariant | ( | Double | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiStringInvariant | ( | Single | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT AnsiString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToAnsiStringInvariant | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
inline |
inline |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | bool | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Byte | value, |
int | base ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | ColumnFlags | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | ColumnFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | ColumnType | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | ColumnType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const Currency & | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const DateTime & | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress | ) |
nodiscard |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const Guid & | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const in6_addr * | addr, |
UInt32 | scopeId, | ||
UInt16 | port ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const in_addr * | addr | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const in_addr * | addr, |
UInt16 | port ) |
inlinenodiscard |
inline |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const TimeSpan & | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | const Variant & | value | ) |
inline |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Double | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxAccessor | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxAccessor | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxAlign | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxAlign | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCheck | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCheck | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCmdGroupType | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCmdGroupType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCompoundKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxCompoundKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxGraphRelation | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxGraphRelation | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxHighlightClass | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxHighlightClass | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxImageKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxImageKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxLanguage | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxLanguage | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxMemberKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxMemberKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxOlType | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxOlType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxParamDir | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxParamDir | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxParamListKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxParamListKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxPlantumlEngine | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxPlantumlEngine | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxProtectionKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxProtectionKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxRefKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxRefKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxRefQualifierKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxRefQualifierKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxSectionKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxSectionKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxSimpleSectKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxSimpleSectKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxVerticalAlign | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxVerticalAlign | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxVirtualKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | DoxVirtualKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxAccessor | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxAccessor | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxAlign | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxAlign | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCheck | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCheck | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCmdGroupType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxCompoundKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxGraphRelation | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxHighlightClass | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxImageKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxImageKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxLanguage | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxLanguage | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxMemberKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxMemberKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxOlType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxOlType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxParamDir | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxParamDir | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxParamListKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxParamListKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxPlantumlEngine | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxProtectionKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxRefKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxRefKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxRefQualifierKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxSectionKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxSectionKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxSimpleSectKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxVerticalAlign | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::DoxVirtualKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::MemberKind | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Doxygen::MemberKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::BackupFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::BackupFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnInfoLevel | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnInfoLevel | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ColumnType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ExceptionAction | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ExceptionAction | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::IndexFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::IndexFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::IndexRangeFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::IndexRangeFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::InitFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::InitFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::KeyFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::KeyFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ObjectFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::ObjectFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OnlineDefragFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OnlineDefragFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OpenTableFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::OpenTableFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::RetrieveFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::RetrieveFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SeekFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SeekFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SequentialFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SequentialFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SetFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::SetFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::TableOptions | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::TableOptions | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::TransactionFlags | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Ese::TransactionFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | IndexFlags | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | IndexFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Int16 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Int32 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Int64 | value, |
int | base ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | MemberKind | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | MemberKind | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | RetrieveFlags | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | RetrieveFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | SByte | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::DeviceEventType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::DeviceEventType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::PowerEventType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::PowerEventType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceAccessRights | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceAccessRights | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControl | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControl | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControlAccepted | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControlAccepted | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceEnumerationState | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceEnumerationState | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceStartType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceStartType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceState | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceState | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceType | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Services::ServiceType | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | SetFlags | value | ) |
WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | SetFlags | value, |
const WideString & | defaultResult ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Single | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Single | value, |
const std::locale & | locale ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision, | ||
const std::locale & | locale ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | UInt16 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | UInt32 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideString | ( | UInt64 | value, |
int | base ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideStringInvariant | ( | Single | value | ) |
HCC_EXPORT WideString Harlinn::Common::Core::ToWideStringInvariant | ( | Single | value, |
int | width, | ||
int | precision ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const char * | str, |
bool | strict, | ||
const char ** | end, | ||
in_addr * | addr ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const char * | str, |
const char ** | end, | ||
DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const char * | str, |
const char ** | end, | ||
in_addr * | addr ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const char * | str, |
DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const char * | str, |
in_addr * | addr ) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const StringT & | str, |
DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress ) |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const StringT & | str, |
in_addr * | addr ) |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const StringT & | str, |
typename StringT::size_type & | end, | ||
in_addr * | addr ) |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
bool | strict, | ||
const wchar_t ** | end, | ||
in_addr * | addr ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
const wchar_t ** | end, | ||
DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
const wchar_t ** | end, | ||
in_addr * | addr ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
DL_EUI48 * | ethernetAddress ) |
bool Harlinn::Common::Core::TryParse | ( | const wchar_t * | str, |
in_addr * | addr ) |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
inline |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
Harlinn::Common::Core::Tuple | ( | Args... | args | ) | -> Tuple< Args... > |
Harlinn::Common::Core::Tuple | ( | const Tuple< Args... > & | args | ) | -> Tuple< Args... > |
nodiscardconstexpr |
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
Extracts a plain pointer from a smart pointer.
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
Extracts a plain pointer from a smart pointer.
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
ensure no conversion for regular pointers
Harlinn::Common::Core::Vector | ( | It | , |
It | ) -> Vector< IteratorValue_t< It > > |
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
ensure no conversion for regular pointers
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 8-bit unsigned integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit char as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 8-bit char value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 16-bit signed integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 32-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 32-bit signed integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 64-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 64-bit signed integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to minimize the size of the 7-bit encoding.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 8-bit signed integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 8-bit signed integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
The sign bit is rotated to the least significant bit, and the remaining bits are shifted one bit to the right to ensure compatibility with the encodings for the wider signed integer types.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 16-bit unsigned integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 32-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 32-bit unsigned integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 64-bit unsigned integer as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 64-bit unsigned integer value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Encodes a 16-bit wchar_t as a 7-bit encoded value.
value | The 16-bit wchar_t value. |
dest | The a pointer to the buffer receiving the 7-bit encoded number. The size of the buffer must be greater or equal to the value returned by SizeOf7BitEncodedValue for the value. |
static |
inlineconstexpr |
uint32_t(* Harlinn::Common::Core::crc32cImpl) (const uint8_t *, size_t, uint32_t) | ( | const uint8_t * | , |
size_t | , | ||
uint32_t | ) = crc32c_sw |
uint32_t Harlinn::Common::Core::dword_table[4][256] |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
union { ... } Harlinn::Common::Core::long_shifts |
static |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
uint64_t Harlinn::Common::Core::qword_array[512] |
union { ... } Harlinn::Common::Core::short_shifts |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
Calculates the size, in bytes, required to store a 7-bit encoded 64-bit unsigned integer.
N | The 64-bit unsigned integer. |
union { ... } Harlinn::Common::Core::table |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |
inlineconstexpr |