constexpr | Subscription () noexcept |
| Subscription (const Subscription &other)=delete |
| Subscription (Subscription &&other) noexcept |
| Subscription (const OCI::Environment &environment, void *ocisubscription, bool ownsHandle) |
| Constructs a new Subscription object.
Subscription & | operator= (const Subscription &other)=delete |
constexpr Subscription & | operator= (Subscription &&other) noexcept |
constexpr void | swap (Subscription &other) noexcept |
const OCI::Environment & | Environment () const |
const OCI::ErrorHandle & | Error () const noexcept final override |
| Provides access to the OCIError that will be used for OCI calls for this object.
OCIServerDNs * | ServerDNs () const |
| The distinguished names of the Oracle database that the client is interested in for the registration.
void | SetServerDNs (OCIServerDNs *distinguishedNames) const |
CallbackFunc | Callback () const |
| Subscription callback. If the attribute OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_RECPTPROTO is set to OCI_SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI or is left not set, then this attribute must be set before the subscription handle can be passed into the registration call OCISubscriptionRegister( ).
void | SetCallback (CallbackFunc callbackFunction) const |
void | SetContinuousQueryQOSFlags (SubscriberContinousQueryQOSFlags flags) const |
| Sets QOS (quality of service flags) specific to continuous query (CQ) notifications.
void * | Context () const |
| Context that the client wants to get passed to the user callback denoted by OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_CALLBACK when it gets invoked by the system.If the attribute OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_RECPTPROTO is set to OCI_SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI or is left not set, then this attribute must be set before the subscription handle can be passed into the registration call OCISubscriptionRegister( ).
void | SetContext (void *data) const |
template<WideStringLike StringT = WideString> |
StringT | Name () const |
| Subscription name. All subscriptions are identified by a subscription name. A subscription name consists of a sequence of bytes of specified length. The length in bytes of the name must be specified as it is not assumed that the name is zero-terminated. This is important because the name could contain multibyte characters.
template<WideStringLike StringT> |
void | SetName (const StringT &name) const |
SubscriberNamespace | Namespace () const |
| Namespace in which the subscription handle is used.
void | SetNamespace (SubscriberNamespace subscriberNamespace) const |
SubscriberNotificationGroupingClass | NotificationGroupingClass () const |
| Notification grouping class. If set to 0 (the default) all other notification grouping attributes must be 0. It is implemented for time in the latest release and is the only current criterion for grouping.
void | SetNotificationGroupingClass (SubscriberNotificationGroupingClass notificationGroupingClass) const |
Int32 | NotificationGroupingRepeatCount () const |
| How many times to do the grouping. Notification repeat count. Positive integer. Can be set to Subscription::GroupForever to send grouping notifications forever.
void | SetNotificationGroupingRepeatCount (Int32 value) const |
SubscriberNotificationGroupingType | NotificationGroupingType () const |
| The format of the grouping notification: whether a summary of all events in the group or just the last event in the group.
void | SetNotificationGroupingType (SubscriberNotificationGroupingType notificationGroupingType) const |
UInt32 | NotificationGroupingValue () const |
| Specifies the value for the grouping class. For time, this is the time-period of grouping notifications specified in seconds, that is, the time after which grouping notification is sent periodically until OCI_ATTR_SUBSCR_NTFN_GROUPING_REPEAT_COUNT is exhausted.
void | SetNotificationGroupingValue (UInt32 value) const |
SubscriberQOSFlags | QOSFlags () const |
| Quality of service levels of the server.
void | SetQOSFlags (SubscriberQOSFlags qosFlags) const |
WideString | Recipient () const |
| The name of the recipient of the notification.
void | SetRecipient (const WideString &recipientName) const |
SubscriberRecipientFormat | RecipientFormat () const |
| The presentation with which the client wants to receive the notification.
void | SetRecipientFormat (SubscriberRecipientFormat recipientFormat) const |
SubscriberRecipientProtocol | RecipientProtocol () const |
| The protocol with which the client wants to receive the notification.
void | SetRecipientProtocol (SubscriberRecipientProtocol recipientProtocol) const |
UInt32 | TimeoutInSeconds () const |
| Registration timeout interval in seconds. If 0 or not specified, then the registration is active until the subscription is explicitly unregistered.
void | SetTimeoutInSeconds (UInt32 timeoutInSeconds) const |
TimeSpan | Timeout () const |
void | SetTimeout (const TimeSpan &timeout) const |
void | SetChangeNotificationFilter (OperationCode operationCodeFlags) const |
| Used to filter notifications based on operation type.
void | EnableRowLevelChangeNotifications (bool enable=true) const |
| If true, the continuous query notification message includes row-level details, such as operation type and ROWID.
WideString | ContinuousQueryNotificationDatabaseName () const |
| Name of the database.
UInt32 | ContinuousQueryNotificationType () const |
| Flags describing the notification type.
UInt32 | ContinuousQueryNotificationOperationType () const |
| Operation type: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or OTHER.
WideString | ContinuousQueryNotificationRowId () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
constexpr void * | Handle () const noexcept |
| Provides access to the value of the handle object.
constexpr | operator bool () const noexcept |
| Test if the handle value is assigned.
constexpr bool | IsValid () const noexcept |
| Test if the handle value is assigned.
constexpr OCI::HandleType | HandleType () const noexcept |
| Returns a value identifying the type of the wrapped handle object.
Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
constexpr | HandleBase () noexcept |
| Default constructor.
constexpr | HandleBase (OCI::HandleType handleType, void *handle, bool ownsHandle) noexcept |
| Constructs a new HandleBase object.
| HandleBase (const HandleBase &other)=delete |
constexpr | HandleBase (HandleBase &&other) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
virtual | ~HandleBase () |
| Destructor.
constexpr void | SetHandle (void *newHandleValue, bool ownsHandle) noexcept |
| Assigns the handle value and ownership to this object.
constexpr bool | OwnsHandle () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this object is the owner of the handle value.
void * | DetachHandle () |
| If this object is the owner of a handle this function rescinds that ownership, and returns the handle value without closing the handle.
void | DestroyHandle () |
| Destroys the handle if it is owned by this object.
HandleBase & | operator= (const HandleBase &other)=delete |
constexpr HandleBase & | operator= (HandleBase &&other) noexcept |
constexpr void | swap (HandleBase &other) noexcept |
template<typename Derived > |
constexpr void | Take (Derived &&derived) noexcept |
| Template function used to implement move assignement in derived classes.
void | InitializeHandle (void *handle, bool ownsHandle) |
| Provides a "safe" mechanism for assigning a handle value. This functions throws if a handle value is already assigned to this object.
HO_EXPORT Int32 | GetAttribute (void *buffer, UInt32 *size, Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle.
HO_EXPORT Int32 | SetAttribute (void *buffer, UInt32 size, Attribute attribute) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle.
DateTime | GetDateTimeAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a DateTime.
void | SetDateTimeAttribute (Attribute attribute, const DateTime &value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a DateTime.
template<WideStringLike StringT = WideString> |
StringT | GetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a WideString.
template<WideStringLike StringT = WideString> |
StringT | GetStringAttributeFromByteString (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a WideString For use with attributes that are not returned as UTF-16.
template<WideStringLike StringT> |
void | SetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute, const StringT &value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a WideString.
void | SetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute, const wchar_t *value, size_t valueLength) const |
bool | GetBooleanAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a bool.
void | SetBooleanAttribute (Attribute attribute, bool value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a bool.
Byte | GetByteAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a Byte.
void | SetByteAttribute (Attribute attribute, Byte value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a Byte.
SByte | GetSByteAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a SByte.
void | SetSByteAttribute (Attribute attribute, SByte value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a Byte.
Int16 | GetInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int16.
void | SetInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int16 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int16.
UInt16 | GetUInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt16.
void | SetUInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt16 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt16.
Int32 | GetInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int32.
void | SetInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int32 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int32.
UInt32 | GetUInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt32.
void | SetUInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt32 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt32.
Int64 | GetInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int64.
void | SetInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int64 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int64.
UInt64 | GetUInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt64.
void | SetUInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt64 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt64.
void * | GetPointerAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a pointer.
void | SetPointerAttribute (Attribute attribute, void *value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a pointer.
OCI::Number * | GetNumberAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a pointer to an OCI::Number.
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
static HO_EXPORT void | HandleFree (void *handle, OCI::HandleType handleType) noexcept |
| Calls OCIHandleFree to release the handle.