A descriptor is a collection of metadata that describes the parameters of an SQL statement or the columns of a result set, as seen by the application or driver.
constexpr | Descriptor () |
Result | CopyTo (const Descriptor &other) const |
| Copies the descriptor information to another descriptor.
Result | CopyFrom (const Descriptor &other) const |
| Copies the descriptor information from another descriptor.
Result | GetFieldW (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueMaxLength, SQLINTEGER *valueActualLength) const |
| Retrieves the current value of a single field of a descriptor record.
UInt16 | GetUInt16Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
Int16 | GetInt16Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
UInt64 | GetUInt64Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
Int64 | GetInt64Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
SQLPOINTER | GetPointerField (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
WideString | GetWideStringField (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier) const |
Result | GetFieldA (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueMaxLength, SQLINTEGER *valueActualLength) const |
Result | GetRecord (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLWCHAR *name, SQLSMALLINT nameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *nameActualLength, SQLSMALLINT *type, SQLSMALLINT *subType, SQLLEN *length, SQLSMALLINT *precision, SQLSMALLINT *scale, SQLSMALLINT *nullable) const |
Result | GetRecord (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLCHAR *name, SQLSMALLINT nameMaxLength, SQLSMALLINT *nameActualLength, SQLSMALLINT *type, SQLSMALLINT *subType, SQLLEN *length, SQLSMALLINT *precision, SQLSMALLINT *scale, SQLSMALLINT *nullable) const |
Result | SetFieldW (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueLength) const |
Result | SetUInt16Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, UInt16 value) const |
Result | SetInt16Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, Int16 value) const |
Result | SetUInt64Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, UInt64 value) const |
Result | SetInt64Field (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, Int64 value) const |
Result | SetPointerField (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value) const |
Result | SetFieldA (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT fieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER valueLength) const |
Result | SetRecord (SQLSMALLINT recordNumber, SQLSMALLINT type, SQLSMALLINT subType, SQLLEN length, SQLSMALLINT precision, SQLSMALLINT scale, SQLPOINTER data, SQLLEN *dataLength, SQLLEN *indicator) const |
bool | UserAllocated () const |
Result | SetArraySize (size_t arraySize) const |
size_t | ArraySize () const |
Result | SetStatusArrayPointer (SQLUSMALLINT *statusArray) const |
SQLUSMALLINT * | StatusArrayPointer () const |
Result | SetBindOffsetPointer (SQLLEN *bindOffsetPointer) const |
SQLLEN * | BindOffsetPointer () const |
Result | SetBindByColumn () const |
bool | BindByColumn () const |
Int16 | RecordCount () const |
Result | SetRowsProcessedPointer (SQLULEN *bindOffsetPointer) const |
SQLULEN * | RowsProcessedPointer () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::ODBC::SqlHandle< ODBC::HandleType::Descriptor > |
constexpr | SqlHandle () noexcept |
| SqlHandle (const SqlHandle &other)=delete |
constexpr | SqlHandle (SqlHandle &&other) noexcept |
| ~SqlHandle () |
SqlHandle & | operator= (const SqlHandle &other)=delete |
constexpr SqlHandle & | operator= (SqlHandle &&other) noexcept |
constexpr SQLHANDLE | Handle () const noexcept |
void | Close () noexcept |
Result | Cancel () const |
Result | CompleteAsync (RETCODE *asyncRetCode) const |
A descriptor is a collection of metadata that describes the parameters of an SQL statement or the columns of a result set, as seen by the application or driver.