class | abstract |
class | ActivateAudioInterfaceAsyncOperation |
class | ActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler |
class | Attribute |
class | Attributes |
class | AudioSystemEffectsPropertyChangeNotificationClient |
class | AudioSystemEffectsPropertyStore |
class | BlobValue |
class | CameraExtrinsics |
class | CameraUIControl |
class | CameraUIControlEventCallback |
class | CodecAPI |
| The CodecAPI class sets and retrieves settings on an encoder or decoder filter. More...
class | DeviceSources |
class | DMOQualityControl |
| The DMOQualityControl class supports quality control on a Microsoft DirectX Media Object (DMO). More...
class | DMOVideoOutputOptimizations |
| The DMOVideoOutputOptimizations class supports video optimizations on a Microsoft DirectX Media Object (DMO). More...
class | EncryptionSubSampleMappingSplit |
class | EnumDMO |
| This class provides methods for enumerating Microsoft DirectX Media Objects (DMOs). More...
class | EVRFilterConfig |
class | EVRFilterConfigEx |
class | EVRTrustedVideoPlugin |
class | MediaBuffer |
| Wrapper for the IMediaBuffer interface which provides methods for manipulating a data buffer. Buffers passed to the IMediaObject::ProcessInput and ProcessOutput methods must implement this interface. More...
class | MediaFoundation |
class | MediaObject |
| The MediaObject class provides functions for manipulating a Microsoft DirectX Media Object. More...
class | MediaObjectInPlace |
| The MediaObjectInPlace class provides methods for processing data in place. More...
class | MediaSourceExtension |
class | MF2DBuffer |
| Represents a buffer that contains a two-dimensional surface, such as a video frame. More...
class | MF2DBuffer2 |
| Represents a buffer that contains a two-dimensional surface, such as a video frame. More...
class | MFActivate |
| Enables the application to defer the creation of an object. This functionality is exposed by activation objects. More...
class | MFAsyncCallback |
| Callback interface to notify the application when an asynchronous method completes. More...
class | MFAsyncCallbackLogging |
| Provides logging information about the parent object the async callback is associated with. More...
class | MFAsyncResult |
| Provides information about the result of an asynchronous operation. More...
class | MFAttributes |
class | MFAudioMediaType |
class | MFAudioPolicy |
class | MFAudioSourceProvider |
class | MFAudioStreamVolume |
class | MFBufferListNotify |
class | MFByteStream |
| Represents a byte stream from some data source, which might be a local file, a network file, or some other source. The MFByteStream class supports the typical stream operations, such as reading, writing, and seeking. More...
class | MFByteStreamBuffering |
class | MFByteStreamCacheControl |
class | MFByteStreamCacheControl2 |
| Controls how a network byte stream transfers data to a local cache. More...
class | MFByteStreamHandler |
| Creates a media source from a byte stream. More...
class | MFByteStreamProxyClassFactory |
| Creates a proxy to a byte stream. More...
class | MFByteStreamTimeSeek |
| Seeks a byte stream by time position. More...
class | MFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor |
| Implemented by applications to receive camera occlusion state change notifications. More...
class | MFCameraOcclusionStateReport |
| Provides the camera occlusion state associated with a state change detected by a MFCameraOcclusionStateMonitor. More...
class | MFCameraOcclusionStateReportCallback |
class | MFCapturePhotoConfirmation |
class | MFCdmSuspendNotify |
class | MFClock |
| Provides timing information from a clock in Microsoft Media Foundation. More...
class | MFClockConsumer |
class | MFClockStateSink |
| Receives state-change notifications from the presentation clock. More...
class | MFCollection |
| Represents a generic collection of IUnknown pointers. More...
class | MFCollectionT |
class | MFContentDecryptorContext |
| Allows a decryptor to manage hardware keys and decrypt hardware samples. More...
class | MFContentEnabler |
| Implements one step that must be performed for the user to access media content. For example, the steps might be individualization followed by license acquisition. Each of these steps would be encapsulated by a content enabler object that exposes the IMFContentEnabler interface. More...
class | MFContentProtectionDevice |
| Allows a decryptor to communicate with the security processor that implements the hardware decryption for a protection system. More...
class | MFContentProtectionManager |
class | MFDesiredSample |
class | MFDeviceTransform |
class | MFDeviceTransformCallback |
class | MFDXGIBuffer |
| Represents a buffer that contains a Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI)surface. More...
class | MFDXGIDeviceManager |
| Enables two threads to share the same Microsoft Direct3D 11 device. More...
class | MFDXGIDeviceManagerSource |
| Provides functionality for getting the MFDXGIDeviceManager from the Microsoft Media Foundation video rendering sink. More...
class | MFExtendedCameraControl |
| This class is used to configure a capture device's extended properties. Supported properties and capabilities are defined in the header file defined in ksmedia.h as constants with the naming convention KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_. More...
class | MFExtendedCameraController |
| Allows apps to retrieve an instance of MFExtendedCameraControl, which is used to configure a capture device's extended properties. More...
class | MFExtendedCameraIntrinsicModel |
class | MFExtendedCameraIntrinsics |
class | MFExtendedCameraIntrinsicsDistortionModel6KT |
class | MFExtendedCameraIntrinsicsDistortionModelArcTan |
class | MFExtendedDRMTypeSupport |
class | MFFieldOfUseMFTUnlock |
| Enables an application to use a Media Foundation transform (MFT) that has restrictions on its use. More...
class | MFFinalizableMediaSink |
class | MFGetService |
| Queries an object for a specified service interface. More...
class | MFHDCPStatus |
class | MFHttpDownloadRequest |
| Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. Applications provide the IMFHttpDownloadRequest interface to Media Foundation through the CreateRequest method on the MFHttpDownloadSession interface. More...
class | MFHttpDownloadSession |
| Applications implement this interface to override the default implementation of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols used by Microsoft Media Foundation. More...
class | MFHttpDownloadSessionProvider |
| Applications implement this interface in order to provide custom a custom HTTP or HTTPS download implementation. More...
class | MFInputTrustAuthority |
| Enables other components in the protected media path (PMP) to use the input protection system provided by an input trust authorities (ITA). An ITA is a component that implements an input protection system for media content. More...
class | MFLocalMFTRegistration |
class | MFMediaBuffer |
| Represents a block of memory that contains media data. Use this interface to access the data in the buffer. More...
class | MFMediaEngine |
class | MFMediaEngineAudioEndpointId |
class | MFMediaEngineClassFactory |
class | MFMediaEngineClassFactory2 |
class | MFMediaEngineClassFactory3 |
class | MFMediaEngineClassFactory4 |
class | MFMediaEngineClassFactoryEx |
class | MFMediaEngineEME |
class | MFMediaEngineEMENotify |
class | MFMediaEngineEx |
class | MFMediaEngineExtension |
class | MFMediaEngineNeedKeyNotify |
class | MFMediaEngineNotify |
class | MFMediaEngineOPMInfo |
class | MFMediaEngineProtectedContent |
class | MFMediaEngineSrcElements |
class | MFMediaEngineSrcElementsEx |
class | MFMediaEngineSupportsSourceTransfer |
class | MFMediaEngineTransferSource |
class | MFMediaEngineWebSupport |
class | MFMediaError |
class | MFMediaEvent |
class | MFMediaEventGenerator |
| Retrieves events from any Media Foundation object that generates events. More...
class | MFMediaEventQueue |
class | MFMediaKeys |
class | MFMediaKeys2 |
class | MFMediaKeySession |
class | MFMediaKeySession2 |
class | MFMediaKeySessionNotify |
class | MFMediaKeySessionNotify2 |
class | MFMediaKeySystemAccess |
class | MFMediaSession |
| Provides playback controls for protected and unprotected content. The Media Session and the protected media path (PMP) session objects expose this interface. This interface is the primary interface that applications use to control the Media Foundation pipeline. More...
class | MFMediaSink |
| This class is the base class for all Media Foundation media sinks. Stream sinks handle the actual processing of data on each stream. More...
class | MFMediaSinkPreroll |
class | MFMediaSource |
| Base class for media source objects. More...
class | MFMediaSource2 |
class | MFMediaSourceEx |
class | MFMediaSourceExtensionLiveSeekableRange |
class | MFMediaSourceExtensionNotify |
class | MFMediaSourcePresentationProvider |
| Provides notifications to the sequencer source. More...
class | MFMediaSourceTopologyProvider |
| Enables an application to get a topology from the sequencer source. This interface is exposed by the sequencer source object. More...
class | MFMediaStream |
| Represents one stream in a media source. More...
class | MFMediaStream2 |
class | MFMediaStreamSourceSampleRequest |
| Represents a request for a sample from a MediaStreamSource. More...
class | MFMediaTimeRange |
class | MFMediaType |
| Represents a description of a media format. More...
class | MFMediaTypeHandler |
| Gets and sets media types on an object, such as a media source or media sink. More...
class | MFMetadata |
| Manages metadata for an object. Metadata is information that describes a media file, stream, or other content. Metadata consists of individual properties, where each property contains a descriptive name and a value. A property may be associated with a particular language. More...
class | MFMetadataProvider |
class | MFMuxStreamAttributesManager |
| Provides access to the MFAttributes of the substreams of a multiplexed media source. More...
class | MFMuxStreamMediaTypeManager |
| Enables the management of stream configurations for a multiplexed media source. A stream configuration defines a set of substreams that can be included the multiplexed output. More...
class | MFMuxStreamSampleManager |
| Provides the ability to retrieve MFSample objects for individual substreams within the output of a multiplexed media source. More...
class | MFNetCredential |
| Sets and retrieves user-name and password information for authentication purposes. More...
class | MFNetCredentialCache |
class | MFNetCredentialManager |
class | MFNetCrossOriginSupport |
| Implemented by clients that want to enforce a cross origin policy for HTML5 media downloads. More...
class | MFNetProxyLocator |
| Determines the proxy to use when connecting to a server. The network source uses this interface. More...
class | MFNetProxyLocatorFactory |
| Creates a proxy locator object, which determines the proxy to use. More...
class | MFNetResourceFilter |
| Notifies the application when a byte stream requests a URL, and enables the application to block URL redirection. More...
class | MFNetSchemeHandlerConfig |
| Configures a network scheme plug-in. More...
class | MFObjectReferenceStream |
class | MFOutputPolicy |
| Encapsulates a usage policy from an input trust authority (ITA). Output trust authorities (OTAs) use this interface to query which protection systems they are required to enforce by the ITA. More...
class | MFOutputSchema |
| Encapsulates information about an output protection system and its corresponding configuration data. More...
class | MFOutputTrustAuthority |
| Encapsulates the functionality of one or more output protection systems that a trusted output supports. This functionality is exposed by output trust authority (OTA) objects. Each OTA represents a single action that the trusted output can perform, such as play, copy, or transcode. An OTA can represent more than one physical output if each output performs the same action. More...
class | MFPluginControl |
class | MFPluginControl2 |
| Controls how media sources and transforms are enumerated in Microsoft Media Foundation. More...
class | MFPMPClient |
| Enables a media source to receive an instance of the MFPMPHost class. More...
class | MFPMPClientApp |
| Provides a mechanism for a media source to implement content protection functionality in a Windows Store apps. More...
class | MFPMPHost |
| Enables a media source in the application process to create objects in the protected media path (PMP) process. More...
class | MFPMPHostApp |
| Allows a media source to create a Windows Runtime object in the Protected Media Path (PMP) process. More...
class | MFPMPServer |
| Enables two instances of the Media Session to share the same protected media path (PMP) process. More...
class | MFPresentationClock |
| Represents a presentation clock, which is used to schedule when samples are rendered and to synchronize multiple streams. More...
class | MFPresentationDescriptor |
| Describes the details of a presentation. A presentation is a set of related media streams that share a common presentation time. More...
class | MFPresentationTimeSource |
| Provides the clock times for the presentation clock. More...
class | MFProtectedEnvironmentAccess |
| Provides a method that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. This is needed because the CreateFile and DeviceIoControl APIs are not available to Windows Store apps. More...
class | MFQualityAdvise |
class | MFQualityAdvise2 |
| Enables a pipeline object to adjust its own audio or video quality, in response to quality messages. More...
class | MFQualityAdviseLimits |
class | MFQualityManager |
| Adjusts playback quality. More...
class | MFRateControl |
| Gets or sets the playback rate. More...
class | MFRateSupport |
class | MFReadWriteClassFactory |
| Creates an instance of either the sink writer or the source reader. More...
class | MFRealTimeClient |
class | MFRealTimeClientEx |
| Notifies a pipeline object to register itself with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). More...
class | MFRelativePanelReport |
| This class is used to retrieve the current relative panel location for a display region. More...
class | MFRelativePanelWatcher |
| Monitors the panel associated with a display, so that the app receives notifications when the relative location of the panel changes. More...
class | MFRemoteAsyncCallback |
class | MFRemoteDesktopPlugin |
| Modifies a topology for use in a Terminal Services environment. More...
class | MFRemoteProxy |
| Exposed by objects that act as a proxy for a remote object. To obtain an instance of this class, call MFGetService::GetService with the service identifier MF_REMOTE_PROXY. More...
class | MFSAMIStyle |
| Sets and retrieves Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) styles on the SAMI Media Source. More...
class | MFSample |
class | MFSampleAllocatorControl |
| Implemented by video capture sources and transforms. Allows the system to provide components with a sample allocator to allocate samples using memory that is accessible from within a container. More...
class | MFSampleGrabberSinkCallback |
| Callback interface to get media data from the sample-grabber sink. More...
class | MFSampleGrabberSinkCallback2 |
| Extends the IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback interface. More...
class | MFSampleOutputStream |
| Writes media samples to a byte stream. More...
class | MFSampleProtection |
| Provides encryption for media data inside the protected media path (PMP). More...
class | MFSaveJob |
| Persists media data from a source byte stream to an application-provided byte stream. More...
class | MFSchemeHandler |
| Creates a media source or a byte stream from a URL. More...
class | MFSecureBuffer |
class | MFSecureChannel |
| Establishes a one-way secure channel between two objects. More...
class | MFSeekInfo |
| For a particular seek position, gets the two nearest key frames. More...
class | MFSensorActivitiesReport |
| Provides access to IMFSensorActivityReport objects that describe the current activity of a sensor. More...
class | MFSensorActivitiesReportCallback |
| Interface implemented by the client to receive callbacks when sensor activity reports are available. More...
class | MFSensorActivityMonitor |
| Provides methods for controlling a sensor activity monitor. More...
class | MFSensorActivityReport |
| Represents an activity report for a sensor. More...
class | MFSensorDevice |
| Represents a sensor device that can belong to a sensor group, which is represented by the MFSensorGroup class. The term "device" in this context could refer to a physical device, a custom media source, or a frame provider. More...
class | MFSensorGroup |
| Represents a group of sensor devices from which an MFMediaSource can be created. The term "device" in this context could refer to a physical device, a custom media source, or a frame provider. A sensor group may actually contain multiple sensor devices, or it could contain only a single device, but it still behaves as a sensor group. More...
class | MFSensorProcessActivity |
| Represents the activity of a process associated with a sensor. More...
class | MFSensorProfile |
| Describes a media foundation sensor profile. More...
class | MFSensorProfileCollection |
| Contains a collection of media foundation sensor profile objects. More...
class | MFSensorStream |
| Provides methods for cloning and querying the properties of a sensor stream. More...
class | MFSensorTransformFactory |
| The interface implemented by sensor transforms to allow the media pipeline to query requirements of the sensor transform and to create a runtime instance of the sensor transform. More...
class | MFSequencerSource |
| Implemented by the Sequencer Source. The sequencer source enables an application to create a sequence of topologies. More...
class | MFShutdown |
| Exposed by some Media Foundation objects that must be explicitly shut down. More...
class | MFSignedLibrary |
| Provides a method that allows content protection systems to get the procedure address of a function in the signed library. This method provides the same functionality as GetProcAddress which is not available to Windows Store apps. More...
class | MFSimpleAudioVolume |
class | MFSinkWriter |
| Microsoft Media Foundation sink writer. More...
class | MFSinkWriterCallback |
| Callback interface for the Microsoft Media Foundation sink writer. More...
class | MFSinkWriterCallback2 |
| Extends the MFSinkWriterCallback class. More...
class | MFSinkWriterEncoderConfig |
| Provides additional functionality on the sink writer for dynamically changing the media type and encoder configuration. More...
class | MFSinkWriterEx |
| Extends the MFSinkWriter class. More...
class | MFSourceBuffer |
class | MFSourceBufferAppendMode |
class | MFSourceBufferList |
class | MFSourceBufferNotify |
class | MFSourceOpenMonitor |
| Callback interface to receive notifications from a network source on the progress of an asynchronous open operation. More...
class | MFSourceReader |
| Microsoft Media Foundation source reader object. More...
class | MFSourceReaderCallback |
| Callback interface for the Microsoft Media Foundation source reader. More...
class | MFSourceReaderCallback2 |
| Extends the MFSourceReaderCallback class. More...
class | MFSourceReaderEx |
| Extends the MFSourceReader class. More...
class | MFSourceResolver |
| Creates a media source from a URL or a byte stream. More...
class | MFSSLCertificateManager |
| Implemented by a client and called by Microsoft Media Foundation to get the client Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate requested by the server. More...
class | MFStreamDescriptor |
| Gets information about one stream in a media source. More...
class | MFStreamingSinkConfig |
| Passes configuration information to the media sinks that are used for streaming the content. Optionally, this functionality is supported by media sinks. The built-in ASF streaming media sink and the MP3 media sink implement this interface. More...
class | MFStreamSink |
| Represents a stream on a media sink object. More...
class | MFSystemId |
| Provides a method that retrieves system id data. More...
class | MFTimecodeTranslate |
| Converts between Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) time codes and 100-nanosecond time units. More...
class | MFTimedText |
class | MFTimedTextBinary |
class | MFTimedTextBouten |
class | MFTimedTextCue |
class | MFTimedTextCueList |
class | MFTimedTextFormattedText |
class | MFTimedTextNotify |
class | MFTimedTextRegion |
class | MFTimedTextRuby |
class | MFTimedTextStyle |
class | MFTimedTextStyle2 |
class | MFTimedTextTrack |
class | MFTimedTextTrackList |
class | MFTimer |
| Provides a timer that invokes a callback at a specified time. More...
class | MFTopoLoader |
| Converts a partial topology into a full topology. The topology loader exposes this interface. More...
class | MFTopology |
| Represents a topology. A topology describes a collection of media sources, sinks, and transforms that are connected in a certain order. These objects are represented within the topology by topology nodes, which expose the IMFTopologyNode interface. A topology describes the path of multimedia data through these nodes. More...
class | MFTopologyNode |
| Represents a node in a topology. The following node types are supported: More...
class | MFTopologyNodeAttributeEditor |
class | MFTopologyServiceLookup |
class | MFTopologyServiceLookupClient |
class | MFTrackedSample |
| Tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. Call MFTrackedSample::Create to create objects of this class. More...
class | MFTranscodeProfile |
class | MFTranscodeSinkInfoProvider |
| Implemented by the transcode sink activation object. More...
class | MFTransform |
class | MFTrustedInput |
| Implemented by components that provide input trust authorities (ITAs). This class is used to get the ITA for each of the component's streams. More...
class | MFTrustedOutput |
| Implemented by components that provide output trust authorities (OTAs). Any Media Foundation transform (MFT) or media sink that is designed to work within the protected media path (PMP) and also sends protected content outside the Media Foundation pipeline must implement this interface. More...
class | MFVideoCaptureSampleAllocator |
| Allocates video samples for a video media sink with specialized functionality for video capture devices. More...
class | MFVideoDeviceID |
class | MFVideoDisplayControl |
class | MFVideoMediaType |
| Represents a description of a video format. More...
class | MFVideoMixerControl |
class | MFVideoMixerControl2 |
class | MFVideoPositionMapper |
class | MFVideoPresenter |
class | MFVideoProcessorControl |
| Configures the Video Processor MFT. More...
class | MFVideoProcessorControl2 |
| Configures the Video Processor MFT. More...
class | MFVideoProcessorControl3 |
class | MFVideoRenderer |
class | MFVideoRendererEffectControl |
class | MFVideoSampleAllocator |
class | MFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback |
| Enables an application to track video samples allocated by the enhanced video renderer (EVR). More...
class | MFVideoSampleAllocatorEx |
| Allocates video samples that contain Microsoft Direct3D 11 texture surfaces. More...
class | MFVideoSampleAllocatorNotify |
| The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. More...
class | MFVideoSampleAllocatorNotifyEx |
| The callback for the IMFVideoSampleAllocatorCallback interface. More...
class | MFWorkQueueServices |
| Controls the work queues created by the Media Session. More...
class | MFWorkQueueServicesEx |
| Extends the MFWorkQueueServices class. More...
class | MMDevice |
class | MMDeviceActivator |
class | MMDeviceCollection |
class | MMDeviceEnumerator |
class | MMEndpoint |
class | MMNotificationClient |
class | PacketCrossOffsets |
class | StreamingMediaSink |
class | StreamingStreamSink |
class | StreamingStreamSinkData |
class | TransformOutputDataBuffer |
| This class is binary compatible with MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER. More...
class | Transforms |