Harlinn.Windows 0.1
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std Namespace Reference

STL namespace. More...


class  allocator
 STL class.
class  array
 STL class.
class  atomic
 STL class.
class  atomic_ref
 STL class.
class  auto_ptr
 STL class.
class  bad_alloc
 STL class.
class  bad_cast
 STL class.
class  bad_exception
 STL class.
class  bad_typeid
 STL class.
class  basic_fstream
 STL class.
class  basic_ifstream
 STL class.
class  basic_ios
 STL class.
class  basic_iostream
 STL class.
class  basic_istream
 STL class.
class  basic_istringstream
 STL class.
class  basic_ofstream
 STL class.
class  basic_ostream
 STL class.
class  basic_ostringstream
 STL class.
class  basic_string
 STL class.
class  basic_string_view
 STL class.
class  basic_stringstream
 STL class.
class  bitset
 STL class.
class  complex
 STL class.
class  deque
 STL class.
class  domain_error
 STL class.
class  error_category
 STL class.
class  error_code
 STL class.
class  error_condition
 STL class.
class  exception
 STL class.
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::BasicString< CharT >, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::BasicStringView< CharT >, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::DateTime, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::AttachDatabaseFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::BackupFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::ColumnFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::ColumnInfoLevel, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::ColumnType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::CreateDatabaseFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::DetachDatabaseFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::ExceptionAction, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::IndexFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::IndexRangeFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::InitFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::KeyFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::ObjectFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::OnlineDefragFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::OpenDatabaseFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::OpenTableFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::PrepareUpdateOptions, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::RetrieveFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::SeekFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::SequentialFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::SetCurrentIndexFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::SetFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::TableOptions, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Ese::TransactionFlags, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::DeviceEventType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::HardwareProfileChangeEventType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::PowerEventType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceAccessRights, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceControl, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceControlAccepted, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceControlManagerAccessRights, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceEnumerationState, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceStartType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceState, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::Services::ServiceType, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::SysString, CharT >
struct  formatter< Harlinn::Common::Core::TimeSpan, CharT >
class  forward_list
 STL class.
class  fstream
 STL class.
struct  hash< Harlinn::AI::ONNX::Prediction >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::AnsiString >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::AnsiStringView >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::DateTime >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::Guid >
 This specialization of std::hash for Harlinn::Common::Core::Guid assumes that the distribution of values for the 8 last bytes of the Guid is random enough to be used as a hash value. More...
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::LMDB::Database >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::Logging::Internal::ThreadKeyData >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::SysString >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::TimeSpan >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::WideString >
struct  hash< Harlinn::Common::Core::WideStringView >
class  ifstream
 STL class.
class  invalid_argument
 STL class.
class  ios
 STL class.
class  ios_base
 STL class.
class  istream
 STL class.
class  istringstream
 STL class.
class  jthread
 STL class.
class  length_error
 STL class.
class  list
 STL class.
class  lock_guard
 STL class.
class  logic_error
 STL class.
class  map
 STL class.
class  multimap
 STL class.
class  multiset
 STL class.
class  mutex
 STL class.
class  numeric_limits< half_float::half >
class  ofstream
 STL class.
class  ostream
 STL class.
class  ostringstream
 STL class.
class  out_of_range
 STL class.
class  overflow_error
 STL class.
class  pair
 STL class.
struct  pointer_traits< Harlinn::Common::Core::Internal::ConstPointerIterator< ContainerT > >
struct  pointer_traits< Harlinn::Common::Core::Internal::PointerIterator< ContainerT > >
class  priority_queue
 STL class.
class  queue
 STL class.
class  range_error
 STL class.
class  recursive_mutex
 STL class.
class  recursive_timed_mutex
 STL class.
class  runtime_error
 STL class.
class  set
 STL class.
class  shared_lock
 STL class.
class  shared_mutex
 STL class.
class  shared_ptr
 STL class.
class  shared_timed_mutex
 STL class.
class  smart_ptr
 STL class.
class  span
 STL class.
class  stack
 STL class.
class  string
 STL class.
class  string_view
 STL class.
class  stringstream
 STL class.
class  system_error
 STL class.
class  thread
 STL class.
class  timed_mutex
 STL class.
class  u16string
 STL class.
class  u16string_view
 STL class.
class  u32string
 STL class.
class  u32string_view
 STL class.
class  u8string
 STL class.
class  u8string_view
 STL class.
class  underflow_error
 STL class.
class  unique_lock
 STL class.
class  unique_ptr
 STL class.
class  unordered_map
 STL class.
class  unordered_multimap
 STL class.
class  unordered_multiset
 STL class.
class  unordered_set
 STL class.
class  valarray
 STL class.
class  vector
 STL class.
class  weak_ptr
 STL class.
class  wfstream
 STL class.
class  wifstream
 STL class.
class  wios
 STL class.
class  wistream
 STL class.
class  wistringstream
 STL class.
class  wofstream
 STL class.
class  wostream
 STL class.
class  wostringstream
 STL class.
class  wstring
 STL class.
class  wstring_view
 STL class.
class  wstringstream
 STL class.


void swap< Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown > (Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown &first, Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown &second) noexcept
template<Harlinn::Common::Core::SimpleComLike ValueT>
void swap (Harlinn::Common::Core::ReferenceCountedPtr< ValueT > &first, Harlinn::Common::Core::ReferenceCountedPtr< ValueT > &second)
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::PointT< Tmin (const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &first, const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &second) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::PointT< Tmax (const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &first, const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &second) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::PointT< Tclamp (const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &point, const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &min, const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > &max) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< Tmin (const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &first, const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &second) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< Tmax (const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &first, const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &second) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< Tclamp (const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &size, const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &min, const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > &max) noexcept
template<typename T >
requires (Harlinn::Windows::Internal::IsSpecializationOf<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, Harlinn::Windows::PointT> || Harlinn::Windows::Internal::IsSpecializationOf<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, Harlinn::Windows::SizeT> )
constexpr auto min (const T &first, const T &second)
template<typename T >
requires (Harlinn::Windows::Internal::IsSpecializationOf<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, Harlinn::Windows::PointT> || Harlinn::Windows::Internal::IsSpecializationOf<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, Harlinn::Windows::SizeT> )
constexpr auto max (const T &first, const T &second)
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::Environment &first, Harlinn::OCI::Environment &second) noexcept
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::Server &first, Harlinn::OCI::Server &second) noexcept
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::Session &first, Harlinn::OCI::Session &second) noexcept
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::ServiceContext &first, Harlinn::OCI::ServiceContext &second) noexcept
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::TransactionHandle &first, Harlinn::OCI::TransactionHandle &second) noexcept
constexpr void swap (Harlinn::OCI::Subscription &first, Harlinn::OCI::Subscription &second) noexcept

Detailed Description

STL namespace.

Extensions to the C++ standard library.

Function Documentation

◆ clamp() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > std::clamp ( const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & point,
const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & min,
const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & max )

◆ clamp() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > std::clamp ( const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & size,
const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & min,
const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & max )

◆ max() [1/3]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > std::max ( const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & first,
const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & second )

◆ max() [2/3]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > std::max ( const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & first,
const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & second )

◆ max() [3/3]

auto std::max ( const T & first,
const T & second )

◆ min() [1/3]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > std::min ( const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & first,
const Harlinn::Windows::PointT< T > & second )

◆ min() [2/3]

template<typename T >
Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > std::min ( const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & first,
const Harlinn::Windows::SizeT< T > & second )

◆ min() [3/3]

auto std::min ( const T & first,
const T & second )

◆ swap() [1/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::Common::Core::ReferenceCountedPtr< ValueT > & first,
Harlinn::Common::Core::ReferenceCountedPtr< ValueT > & second )

◆ swap() [2/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::Environment & first,
Harlinn::OCI::Environment & second )

◆ swap() [3/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::Server & first,
Harlinn::OCI::Server & second )

◆ swap() [4/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::ServiceContext & first,
Harlinn::OCI::ServiceContext & second )

◆ swap() [5/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::Session & first,
Harlinn::OCI::Session & second )

◆ swap() [6/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::Subscription & first,
Harlinn::OCI::Subscription & second )

◆ swap() [7/7]

void std::swap ( Harlinn::OCI::TransactionHandle & first,
Harlinn::OCI::TransactionHandle & second )

◆ swap< Harlinn::Common::Core::Unknown >()