| Statement () noexcept |
| Statement (const Statement &other)=delete |
| Statement (Statement &&other) noexcept |
| Statement (const OCI::ServiceContext &serviceContext, void *ocistmt, bool ownsHandle) |
| Constructs a new Statement object.
HO_EXPORT | ~Statement () |
Statement & | operator= (const Statement &other)=delete |
Statement & | operator= (Statement &&other) noexcept |
void | swap (Statement &other) noexcept |
constexpr const OCI::ServiceContext & | ServiceContext () const noexcept |
const OCI::Environment & | Environment () const noexcept |
const OCI::ErrorHandle & | Error () const noexcept final override |
| Provides access to the OCIError that will be used for OCI calls for this object.
template<typename BindType , typename ... ArgTypes>
requires std::is_base_of_v<BindBase, BindType> |
BindType * | Bind (UInt32 position, ArgTypes &&... args) const |
template<typename T , typename ... ArgTypes>
requires Internal::HasTraits<T> |
Internal::Traits< T >::BindType * | Bind (UInt32 position, ArgTypes &&... args) const |
template<typename BindType , typename ... ArgTypes>
requires std::is_base_of_v<BindBase, BindType> |
BindType * | Bind (const WideString &name, ArgTypes &&... args) const |
template<typename T , typename ... ArgTypes>
requires Internal::HasTraits<T> |
Internal::Traits< T >::BindType * | Bind (const WideString &name, ArgTypes &&... args) const |
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< OCI::BindBase > > & | Binds () const |
OCI::StatementType | StatementType () const |
| Returns the type of statement associated with the handle.
UInt32 | BindCount () const |
| Returns the number of bind positions on the statement handle.
UInt64 | ContinuousQueryId () const |
| Obtains the query ID of a registered query.
UInt32 | CurrentPosition () const |
| Indicates the current position in the result set.
UInt32 | NumDMLErrors () const |
| Returns the number of errors in the DML operation.
bool | FetchRowId () const |
| Specifies that the ROWIDs are fetched after doing a define at position 0, and a SELECT...FOR UPDATE statement.
void | SetFetchRowId (bool value) const |
| Specifies that the ROWIDs are fetched after doing a define at position 0, and a SELECT...FOR UPDATE statement.
UInt32 | ImplicitResultCount () const |
| Returns the total number of implicit results available on the top-level OCI statement handle.
UInt32 | ParamCount () const |
| Gets the number of columns in the select-list for the statement associated with the statement handle.
UInt32 | ParseErrorOffset () const |
| Returns the parse error offset for a statement.
void | SetPrefetchMemory (UInt32 size) const |
| Sets the memory level for top-level rows to be prefetched.
void | SetPrefetchRows (UInt32 count) const |
| Sets the number of top-level rows to be prefetched. The default value is 1 row.
UInt64 | RowCount () const |
| Returns the number of rows processed so far after SELECT statements.
UInt32 | RowsFetched () const |
| Indicates the number of rows that were successfully fetched into the user's buffers in the last fetch or execute with nonzero iterations. It can be used for both scrollable and nonscrollable statement handles.
UInt16 | SqlFunctionCode () const |
| Returns the function code of the SQL command associated with the statement.
WideString | Text () const |
| Returns the text of the SQL statement prepared in a statement handle. In UTF-16 mode, the returned statement is in UTF-16 encoding.
bool | IsReturning () const |
| Returns true if the SQL Statement has a RETURNING INTO clause.
StatementState | State () const |
| Returns the fetch state of that statement.
const OCI::Subscription & | ChangeNotification () const |
| Returns a reference to the registered continous query notification handler.
void | SetChangeNotification (Subscription &&changeNotification) |
| When this attribute is set to the appropriate subscription handle, execution of the query also creates the registration of the query for continuous query notification.
HO_EXPORT Int32 | Execute (UInt32 iters=1, StatementExecuteMode executeMode=StatementExecuteMode::Default, UInt32 rowoff=0) |
template<typename DataReaderType = OCI::DataReader>
requires std::is_base_of_v<OCI::DataReader, DataReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< DataReaderType > | ExecuteReader (StatementExecuteMode executeMode=StatementExecuteMode::Default) |
template<typename DataReaderType >
requires std::is_base_of_v<OCI::ArrayDataReader, DataReaderType> |
std::unique_ptr< DataReaderType > | ExecuteReader (size_t defineSize=1000, StatementExecuteMode executeMode=StatementExecuteMode::Default) |
template<typename T > |
std::optional< T > | ExecuteScalar () |
Int64 | ExecuteNonQuery (UInt32 iters=1, StatementExecuteMode executeMode=StatementExecuteMode::Default, UInt32 rowoff=0) |
HO_EXPORT Int32 | Fetch (UInt32 numberOfRows=1, FetchOrientation orientation=FetchOrientation::Next, long fetchOffset=0) const |
UInt32 | DescriptorCount () const |
HO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr< ParameterDescriptor > | Descriptor (UInt32 descriptorIndex) const |
HO_EXPORT void | GetDescriptors (std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterDescriptor > > &descriptors) const |
HO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr< OCI::Define > | Define (UInt32 descriptorIndex) const |
HO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr< OCI::Define > | Define (UInt32 descriptorIndex, const OCI::ColumnDescriptor &columnDescriptor) const |
HO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr< OCI::ArrayDefine > | Define (size_t defineSize, UInt32 descriptorIndex) const |
HO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr< OCI::ArrayDefine > | Define (size_t defineSize, UInt32 descriptorIndex, const OCI::ColumnDescriptor &columnDescriptor) const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
constexpr void * | Handle () const noexcept |
| Provides access to the value of the handle object.
constexpr | operator bool () const noexcept |
| Test if the handle value is assigned.
constexpr bool | IsValid () const noexcept |
| Test if the handle value is assigned.
constexpr OCI::HandleType | HandleType () const noexcept |
| Returns a value identifying the type of the wrapped handle object.
Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
constexpr | HandleBase () noexcept |
| Default constructor.
constexpr | HandleBase (OCI::HandleType handleType, void *handle, bool ownsHandle) noexcept |
| Constructs a new HandleBase object.
| HandleBase (const HandleBase &other)=delete |
constexpr | HandleBase (HandleBase &&other) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
virtual | ~HandleBase () |
| Destructor.
constexpr void | SetHandle (void *newHandleValue, bool ownsHandle) noexcept |
| Assigns the handle value and ownership to this object.
constexpr bool | OwnsHandle () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this object is the owner of the handle value.
void * | DetachHandle () |
| If this object is the owner of a handle this function rescinds that ownership, and returns the handle value without closing the handle.
void | DestroyHandle () |
| Destroys the handle if it is owned by this object.
HandleBase & | operator= (const HandleBase &other)=delete |
constexpr HandleBase & | operator= (HandleBase &&other) noexcept |
constexpr void | swap (HandleBase &other) noexcept |
template<typename Derived > |
constexpr void | Take (Derived &&derived) noexcept |
| Template function used to implement move assignement in derived classes.
void | InitializeHandle (void *handle, bool ownsHandle) |
| Provides a "safe" mechanism for assigning a handle value. This functions throws if a handle value is already assigned to this object.
HO_EXPORT Int32 | GetAttribute (void *buffer, UInt32 *size, Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle.
HO_EXPORT Int32 | SetAttribute (void *buffer, UInt32 size, Attribute attribute) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle.
DateTime | GetDateTimeAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a DateTime.
void | SetDateTimeAttribute (Attribute attribute, const DateTime &value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a DateTime.
template<WideStringLike StringT = WideString> |
StringT | GetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a WideString.
template<WideStringLike StringT = WideString> |
StringT | GetStringAttributeFromByteString (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a WideString For use with attributes that are not returned as UTF-16.
template<WideStringLike StringT> |
void | SetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute, const StringT &value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a WideString.
void | SetStringAttribute (Attribute attribute, const wchar_t *value, size_t valueLength) const |
bool | GetBooleanAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a bool.
void | SetBooleanAttribute (Attribute attribute, bool value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a bool.
Byte | GetByteAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a Byte.
void | SetByteAttribute (Attribute attribute, Byte value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a Byte.
SByte | GetSByteAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a SByte.
void | SetSByteAttribute (Attribute attribute, SByte value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a Byte.
Int16 | GetInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int16.
void | SetInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int16 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int16.
UInt16 | GetUInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt16.
void | SetUInt16Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt16 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt16.
Int32 | GetInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int32.
void | SetInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int32 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int32.
UInt32 | GetUInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt32.
void | SetUInt32Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt32 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt32.
Int64 | GetInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an Int64.
void | SetInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute, Int64 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an Int64.
UInt64 | GetUInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as an UInt64.
void | SetUInt64Attribute (Attribute attribute, UInt64 value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as an UInt64.
void * | GetPointerAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a pointer.
void | SetPointerAttribute (Attribute attribute, void *value) const |
| Sets the value of an attribute on the handle as a pointer.
OCI::Number * | GetNumberAttribute (Attribute attribute) const |
| Gets the value of an attribute from the handle as a pointer to an OCI::Number.
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Harlinn::OCI::HandleBase |
static HO_EXPORT void | HandleFree (void *handle, OCI::HandleType handleType) noexcept |
| Calls OCIHandleFree to release the handle.
Statement, the context that identifies a SQL or PL/SQL statement and its associated attributes.